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Why doesn't 3X lock turn off my vehicle?

Nissan Altima 2008 PTS EVO-ALL-NIST1 001A06848886 Guide # 84551 Blue led blinks twice while off from fob lock/unlock command. Red led blinks and brake lights turn on after 3x lock, engine starts. Red and Yellow led remain on while in remote start. Blue led flashes twice from unlock, but not lock, command. A1-A6 enabled A7-A11 disabled (No support for OEM fob takeover before 2009) B1-B2 disabled C1 enabled D1 enabled (15 minute runtime) D2 disabled (this didn't help) D3 disabled (so vehicle will stay on) D4 disabled (not a hybrid) Protocol - Fortin No special functions No RF kit


Why the remote starter turn off, after 3 minutes?

I install the remote starter Evo chrt4, and everything is good, works well....but after 3 minutes the car turn off, please tell me what can I do. thanks


Corvette 2004 with EVO-ONE, will not stop after started with fob

Today, my 2004 corvette installed with a EVO-ONE system, will start from the fob, but wil not stop from the fob. When pushing the button, I get the ascending tones and a green LED again, when I attempt to stop it. Any idea why ? It used to stop just fine until today.


Auto headlights doesn't turn off

I just installed the Fortin Nist1 on my 2011 Infiniti G37 everything went well but I got one problem with auto headlights. If I have it in the OFF position everything works fine starts and shuts off fine and even the parking lights turn off. But if I have it in the AUTO position the parking light and headlight doesn't turn off. I know I got the correct door pin wire because I used a circuit tester. So my question is why does the parking lights turn off with the position on OFF but the parking light and headlight doesn't turn off with the AUTO position.


Why does my 2012 Silverado not turn off after 3x remote starting it with my fob?


Honda Civic - Why wont the car turn off when lock button is pressed 3x?

Once I start the car (3x on the lock button) is there a way to turn the car off in a similar manner? Car will not turn off when the lock button is pressed 3 times as mentioned in other threads.

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