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I want to add shock sensor & siren to evo-all on 2018 Malibu using GM6, how do i go about wiring?

Using Evo-All w/GM6 harness; OEM factory fob 3x Lock to remote start;


Shock sensor not firing the evo all alarm.

Evo all serial number 001A07339278 Have dei shock sensor with battery to red gnd to blk and the blue trigger to the purple white on the evo all. Added siren and relay and turned on alarm features and siren and alarm are working just no set off from shock sensor


Shock sensor not firing the evo all alarm.

Evo all serial number 001A07339278 Have dei shock sensor with battery to red gnd to blk and the blue trigger to the purple white on the evo all. Added siren and relay and turned on alarm features and siren and alarm are working just no set off from shock sensor


how to connect shock sensor to evo all with gm7 harness on 2014 malibu with flip key?

I connected wire from to shock sensor to purple/white, but it will not trigger alarm.


How to add a shock sensor to evo all with thar gm7 on 2014 Malibu with flip key?




shock sensor activation

Having Buick Regal without factory alarm with EVO-ALL Standalone installation With GMT6 Harness And RFK-912 External Remotre starter powered by RFA2A Cable i got fortin dual stage shock sensor and wanted to connect it to evo-all the cable came with the sensor has no where to be connected to RFA2A Or GMT6 harness the only was is to connect it to RFA2A black connection directly to shock sensor itself, shock sensor gives red light but not triggering alarm on shocks how to install it correctly to trigger alarm horn, and if possible without cutting and connecting wires??


Powering my shock sensor off evo all

I am going to be using an evo all as an alarm, since my vehicle has Oem remote start. I purchased a shock sensor and siren, and was wondering if I could power the shock sensor off of the red and black wires going into the evo all from the t-harness? I am not sure what the rated capacity is, and don't want to damage anything.


Max current rating of +12V pin in shock sensor port on EVO-ONE.

What is the maxiumum current (mA) I can draw from the +12V line in the shock sensor port of an EVO-ONE? Thanks, Jeff


Max current rating of +12V pin in shock sensor port on EVO-ONE.

What is the maxiumum current (mA) I can draw from the +12V line in the shock sensor port of an EVO-ONE? Thanks, Jeff


Are you able to add a shock sensor to a evo-all in standalone for a 2015 F-250?

Seeing if a evo-all could also be used as an alarm on a 2015 F-250. The vehicle does not have a oem alarm.


shock sensor power

Evo-one, currently utilizing dark blue wire A8 with option 32.4 to detect armed system status, but would better use it for another purpose.. what about 12V power at black 3 pin shock sensor connector F? Is it always ON? there's no way to play around and make it energised when it's armed only?


I want to turn on alarm and add shock sensor and siren

I would like to add a shock sensor and siren to my Evo All. What do I need to make this happen? I know I have to go in and turn on the settings and I have the flash link.


add on shcok sensor to EVO ALL?

Can I add a shock sensor and siren to EVO ALL and if so what is recommened?


Evo one alarm shock sensor warn away only

Evo one alarm. Shock sensor only triggers warn away. When tested without sensor plugged in short pulse triggers warn away. Long pause does the same. Cannot get full alarm to trigger at all. 002807 242359


Toyota akm (850Pts.)



Hi, I want to add dual stage shock sensor to my evo-one. Is that plug and play application. Is this complete security system which can be added to evo-one. Please let me know.


Evo-One shock sensor zone #4

Bonjour installation du Evo-start est O.K., tous fonctionne sauf un item q'avant l'installation du Evo-start fonctionnais, j'ai perdu mon shock sensor, j'ai tester la pin médian comme il démontre sur le vidéo You-Tube en la groundant à la masse lorsque cela fessait 2 minutes le module Ove-One étais Armé et toujours rien, ensuite j'ai tester le module shock sensor et il envoi bien le signal sur mon multimètre numérique, donc ma question c'est pourriez-vous me dire ce que l'on fais pour activé la zone #4 (Shock Sensor) sur l'Evo-one, je c'est qu'il n'est pas défectueux il fonctionne très bien, il doit me manqué une petite programmation... merci!


What is the specific name of the plastic 3 pin shock sensor connector on an evo-one

I have been to several electronic stores, auto parts stores, and searched the internet. It would help tremendously if I had the specific name of the type of connector used for the 3 pin shock sensor port on the evo-one. I would prefer to have the plastic connector instead of hard wiring it or using butt connectors on the pins. Its hard enough to find a butt connector btw. I have my sensors and the wiring ready to go all i need is the specific name of the plastic connector. Thanks in advance


Dual Stage Shock sensor "pre-warn" stage triggering full alarm

Good morning, I have installed an omega AU85TN Dual Stage Shock/Glass break sensor on my evo-one. I combined both the pre-warn wire and the second stage full alarm wire together to the middle pin in the shock sensor port. I am getting a full alarm when either pre-warn is triggered or the full alarm stage is triggered. Not that big of deal considering the sensor is doing its job, but my OCD wont let me settle. Is there anything I can do (add a resistor, etc) to the pre warn wire to have it function appropriately?


Shock sensor not setting off evo one alarm.

2013 Hyundai Elantra shock sensor not setting off evo one alarm. It blinks when the car is hit, does this mean the alarm is not set up?


Shock sensor not setting off evo one alarm.

2013 Hyundai Elantra shock sensor not setting off evo one alarm. It blinks when the car is hit, does this mean the alarm is not set up?


What is the specific name of the plastic 3 pin shock sensor connector on an evo-one

I have been to several electronic stores, auto parts stores, and searched the internet. It would help tremendously if I had the specific name of the type of connector used for the 3 pin shock sensor port on the evo-one. I would prefer to have the plastic connector instead of hard wiring it or using butt connectors on the pins. Its hard enough to find a butt connector btw. I have my sensors and the wiring ready to go all i need is the specific name of the plastic connector. Thanks in advance


Fortin Shock sensor not working with evo-one installed in 2013 Hyundai Elantra

I had my evo one and Fortin shock sensor installed by a professional installer, however they have not been able to get the shock sensor to work (no warn away or basic function) I need help as they have left it at that unless I can figure it out.


3 pin shock sensor connector

What is the name of the type of connector used for the shock sensor port and where can I purchase a connector with a wiring harness? If I wanted to add a tilt sensor and wired the trigger into the pink/black wire (A15) would it give me a proper tilt alarm response if triggered on a two way remote or parking light flash upon disarm? I know I need to tie the trigger for the tilt alarm into zone 8 for that I just dont know where to do that. Are the ground and 12v leads coming from the shock sensor port only active when the alarm is armed or are the always active?

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