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Device flash limit reset request

Hello, Evo-All on a 2014 Hyundai Elantra standard key, Service Number: 001A06 357048 I need a flash limit reset please. Thank you!


Hyundai Tucson horn wire

Can you please help me on 2015 Hyundai Tucson horn wire location I would like add Evo-one alarm. Thank you very much.


antenne evo start

Bonjour jaimerais savoir si il a une facon de faire un reset de code si on vient d'acheter un vehicule et sa dit le code sur l'antenne est deja utiliser mais que nous avon pas les information de lancien proprietaire


Flash limit reached

Hi guys here again with this box. Hi Derek, this box it's locked, I can't flash it and Decrypt. By the way, please this box was locked trying to use on 2013 Hyundai Elantra. I tried with each firmware and doesn't work with any of them. Could you please check all these firmwares? When I try programming it, the red led remain on red. Pressing the program button or not once you plug the 12v harness. Thanks you so much! S/N: 002B04 689843


Démarreur a distance Iphone

Salut, J’ai acheter une voiture d'occasion à un concessionnaire (Hyundai Seray à Chambly) un hyundai tucson 2014 1 ans plus tard, je me suis pencher à savoir quel est la marque de mon démarreur à distance que j’ai sur ma voiture et je remarque que c’est un Evo Start. Ma manette (démarreur) c’est inscrit « Duo » donc j’ai surement un Evo Start 2 dans ma voiture. J’ai donc fait des recherche sur celui ci, et j’ai remarquer qui a une application mais sur celui ci, sa me demande un Code. Où trouver ce code?


2017 Tuscon push start issues

Installed evo one with t-harness, tried to program and unit doesn't seem to work. No to start or stop the engine, I need to press start/stop two times? Any suggestions or help would be appreciated. without hood pin, A11 should be on or off? Only wire that i had to splice was the lift gate wire...


2022 Hyundai Accent - Std-Key-without-Keyless

I have a 2022 Hyundai Accent and two options appear. I don't know what they mean. Std-Key-without-Keyless Std-Key-with-Keyless


Hyundai Elantra 2016 Evo-One with Standard Key PATS

Canadian version with the immobilizer and harness THAR-ONE-KHY2

Firmware updated to latest.

Programing process completes. Yellow LED method

Question I have is....

I'm not clear with what the manual means by cutting.

A20/D4 and A10/D6 from the blue PATS ~ wire....

A10, D6 and the blue PATS ~ is tapped into the blue PATS ~

A20 to D4 is connected together...

Did the manual mean I have to use A10/D6 from the blue PATS ~ wire by breaking the connection of the blue wire from the connector

side then connecting it back to the blue PATS ~ using A20/D4 back to the blue PATS~ ?

Is this what I am supposed to do?


2022 Elantra N Manual. When in ready mode, press ignition once, then brake and car will lock after closing door.

Accidentally locked self out of car once. What setting is causing this? Go to neutral, and pull ebrake. Press ingition once, then brake, car turns off. When the door is opened and then closed it locks even if key is inside.


Is 2017 Tuscon push start with Eco-One and THAR-KHY7 truly plug n play....NO cutting or splicing needed?

Is this truly just a plug and play or do I need to search and splice wires?


2013 Hyundai Genesis Coupe auto- Alarm going off after remote starting

Had the EVO ONE installed for about a year with all the functions working. The engine locked up and after the dealer replaced it everything still works except when you remote start about 20ish seconds past and the car alarm will go off. I've tried changing some settings, the master reset ( plug in the big connector and let the button go when its red then hold again until it cycles) then flashing it again still no change. I checked the wiring and found no breakage or cuts. 2 things I've noticed is that if I'm trying to do the KEY BYPASS PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE after I get solid yellow and I plug in the rest of the connectors and turn the car on the light does not change, tried about 4 times, but when I do the PROGRAMMING VEHICLE WITHOUT PATS DATA WIRE (even thought I did the PATS wiring like the diagram said) I get through all the steps no problem and end up with the original issue. 2nd thing is when I remote start it unlocks then locks and starts (like it should) then after a couple of seconds it locks again which I feel like its arming the alarm because I tested unlocking the car after that second lock and around the time the alarm would normally go off it doesn't but what happens is the car relocks its self then after some seconds the alarm goes off again. Also note if I turn the alarm off the cycle of the car locking itself again then the alarm going off will continue forever until I either disable the remote start or put my key and turn it to the on position To me its sounding like the EVO one isn't acting like the "key" which points to the key bypass Issue and I cannot seem to find a forum about the problem I am having


EVO One RFK441 2010 Hyundai Tuscon, regular key. Remotes only work every so often.

Everything programmed correctly as per the guide, no issues there. The remotes, even though they are one way, seem like they are acting as a 2 way remote. Both remotes programmed correctly on initial setup. Sometimes one of the remotes will work correctly to lock and unlock the doors, the LED on the remote giving one initial flash, then 5 quick flashes and the function works on the car. Other times, you push the lock or unlock, and all you get is a single flash, and no response from the car. It is very random, sometimes it's one remote, sometimes it's the other. Sometimes when I pick up one of the remotes, I see the LED give a single flash, but I haven't pushed a button. After a period of time, they both seem to start working properly to lock and unlock the car. Once that happens, you can remote start it once. Sometimes you can shut it down with the remote, sometimes you cannot. After that, neither one of the remotes will work at all. They go back to a single LED flash when the lock or unlock is pressed. Eventually one of them will start to work, then the other.........This has to be the strangest behavior I've seen from an RF remote.


Hyundai Elantra GT 2017 - MS3G app not working properly.

Hello, I have the MS3G app on my Samsung. My car starts perfectly, but the 15 minutes timer no longer appears, I no longer have notifications and the 3 circles beside the car image no longer have anything showing one the car starts. Shows in the left upper corner as "layout empty". Background app refresh is on, and notifications are on as well. I have tried de-installing, clear data, clear cache and rebooting my phone. Thank you!!


Is the Evo One compatible with Hyundai Sonata 2007?

Hello, I would like to know if the "EVO-ALL Universal all-in-one data bypass and interface module" is  compatible with Hyundai Sonata 2007 please?

Thanks and regards,



Hyundai Accent 2022. ‏ Push to start

Hello support team, I have Hyundai Accent 2022. ‏ Push to start but it is not included in the VEHICLE FINDER only the key I searched for 2021, what is the solution?


This device has no network temporarily...

Daughter went to remote start with Evo Start and Evo One via iPhone app and the app says "This device has no network temporarily, and the remote start is invalid!" I am assuming a signal issue but any info would be appreciated for troubleshooting.... Hyundai Santa Fe pts, factory 3 Lock start with iPhone app Evo Start LTE and Evo One installed. I am awaiting her arrival to check led status on both units. 3 lock start worked fine. Thank you!


Fortin Evo Start - No fuel reading - 2012 Sonata

Installed Fortin EVO ALL + Fortin EVO Start. Everything works except for fuel gauge reading on app. 

I am able use all available app functions for remote start, door close, lock/unlock, GPS, internal temperature. On the App I am unable to get fuel level to be displayed. (see attached screenshot)


2012 Hyundai Sonata PTS - No ignition control - EVO All

2012 Hyundai PTS Fortin EVO All with Fortin LTE Connected all wires as per installation instructions. Bought Flash link and flashed to 17.31 following the wizard. Programmed Frotin Evo module to vehicle(blue LED blinks rapidly). When pressing starting lock 3x - module sounds internal relay is clicking and parking light flash however dash ignition does not come on. Checking EVO all diagram - RED Connected D2 yellow/blue start+ wires goes into 1n4004 diodes - strip facing towards PTS button - then to yellow/black and yellow/orange. ignition does not turn on. Disconnected the diodes to measure direct and yellow/blue wire for voltage output...getting zero volts when remote start is requested. Tried to reflash Fortin 4 times and still have not been able to get voltage output from d2 yellow/blue. I am missing something or is there internal module fault?


2012 Hyundai Sonata PTS - No ignition control - EVO All

2012 Hyundai PTS Fortin EVO All with Fortin LTE Connected all wires as per installation instructions. Bought Flash link and flashed to 17.31 following the wizard. Programmed Frotin Evo module to vehicle(blue LED blinks rapidly). When pressing starting lock 3x - module sounds internal relay is clicking and parking light flash however dash ignition does not come on. Checking EVO all diagram - RED Connected D2 yellow/blue start+ wires goes into 1n4004 diodes - strip facing towards PTS button - then to yellow/black and yellow/orange. ignition does not turn on. Disconnected the diodes to measure direct and yellow/blue wire for voltage output...getting zero volts when remote start is requested. Tried to reflash Fortin 4 times and still have not been able to get voltage output from d2 yellow/blue. I am missing something or is there internal module fault?


Remote not working

I purchased 2017 hyundai elantra that has a Fortin remote starter installed, but the remote is dead.

Remote model

Model FTX64

IC: 12084A-R2W01FM

Fortin 04G

How do I purchase a new replacement remote and get it programmed? 




hyundai door lock

Good afternoon. On Hyundai cars, after turning off the engine, the doors will unlock after a couple of seconds... What can be done to ensure that they remain closed at the end?


What do the colored numbers mean on the instructions. No explanation on how Wirecolor guides work. Please explain.

Can I please get an explanation of the Wirecolor instructions?


Why don’t I get any LED lights on the evo-all during programming?

I have checked all wiring and have a good ground. There is power to the evo-all but no lights.


Washed my remote ,no start Evo e400

I programmed the module. But remote is not programming.


Disable the horn when I unlock the car in the morning after remote starting it?

Every morning when I click unlock after remote starting (I guess anytime unlocking for that matter) the horn honks, and it's driving both myself and my neighbors crazy. Is there a way to disable this on unlock? 2020 Hyundai Elantra, do I need to reprogram this thing? If so I may just cut the wire, but hoping there may be a quick fix to it.

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