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Door lock & unlock while engine running

Hello dear,

2023-2024 Toyota Camry

Push to start - gas engine

Fortin Evo all  -  TOY13 harness

1- I have seen many videos for Toyota Camry with remote starter installed able to lock & unlock doors while engine is running. However, my car is not doing that. Could you help for that ?

2- Also, some cars able to lock door when shifting to D / unlock doors when shifting to P. Is it possible with Fortin evo all?


2001 Highlander oem remote does not unlock while remote start running

2001 Highlander Evo One. OEM remote does not unlock doors while remote start running. Is it maybe the key sense blocking it? is there any way around it?




Will not lock driver side door

When using auto start or just locking doors. The vehicle will not lock or unlock the driver side door. 2016l5 Toyota rav4.


Toyota D D (130Pts.)


'17 Camry H Key - Remote Unlock not working while engine running

I installed the Evo One Kit with the TOY-4 harness on an H key '17 Camry today and mostly everything seems to be working. I'm using the OEM remote. The only issue is after I triple press the lock key to start the vehicle, I can't use the remote to unlock the doors. I thought everything was programmed properly but apparently not. How should I resolve this issue?


Toyota Jim (850Pts.)


Hardwired EVO-ONE in 2001 Tacoma with RFK411 unable to send two unlock pulses to unlock all doors.

My EVO-ONE is hardwired into a 2001 Tacoma. I seem to be unable to send two quick unlock pulses with the RFK411 remote to unlock all doors. There has to be a slight pause between presses in order to get two unlock signals. Unfortunately, if you wait too long, you will not unlock all the doors. Consequently, it is hit or miss to get all doors unlocked. Is this a property of the remote to have this refractory period or a property of the EVO-ONE. If it is the remote kit, is there another one you recommend that does not have this refractory period. If it is a property of the EVO-ONE, can new firmware correct this or is there an older firmware that corrects this. I have tapped into the driver side key switch that will open all doors when the key is turned twice. My plan was to put a relay to control the actuator so that the first press opens the driver door and the second press opens all doors. Before I install the relay, I wanted to see if the two press unlock will work.


Camry 2011 Driver Door unlocks itself after remote start activated 1 minute

I have a Camry 2011 with keyless entry (standard key). I am having an issue with my driver door keeps unlock itself after remote start activated 1 minute. I have EVO-One (SN: 002B0147175) firmware 79.59 installed with T-Harness. I have spent 5 hours to look for a soluation to fix this problem, but no luck yet. Please help me. Any suggestions, it would be helpful. for firmware flashing, I have reached to the limit :(


Evo-One + THAR-ONE-TOY8 - Corolla 2016 - Door Lock Intermitent & Lumières restent allumées.

Bonjour, Je viens d'installer un Evo-One avec T-Harness TOY8. Installation en quelques minutes. C'est fantastique. Par contre, Lorsque le véhicule n'était pas démarré, les doorlocks ne voulaient plus débarrer l'auto avec le Evo-One, j'ai du utiliser le unlock OEM et ensuite, le problème ne semble pas s'être répété. Pas d'alarme d'origine et pas d'alarme sélectionné sur le module. La cliente m'informe que ses lumières ne se sont jamais éteintes arrivée chez elle. (Elles étaient à OFF lors de l'installation et elle les a mises à AUTO. (Les Headlights et les Parkings. Pas informé si intérieur) Elle a due aller à l'intérieur de l'auto et mettre les lumières à OFF pour que le tout s'éteigne. Le fil vert-rouge est-il fonctionnel dans le T-HARNESS TOY8? Merci.


Will this remote start unlock doors before starting

I currently own a 2015 toyota corolla and i was wondering if the Evo one or Evo all would unlock my doors before remote starting the vehicle. I do not see any mention of wheather or not the doors will unlock before starting in the installation manual. But it does mention option D5 lock after start.


Adding RF kit to Toyota, to remotely unlock doors after remote starting

2018 Toyota H key Tacoma. I have a Fortin EVO-ONE, T harness installation which functions great, using the OEM remote. I am aware that its a Toyota thing to disable the ability to lock/unlock the doors with the OEM remote while the vehicle is running. If I purchase a compatabile RF kit and add it to my EVO-ONE( and of course update and configure the settings), will this allow me to use the new remote to lock/unlock the doors after the vehicle is running (ie remote starting, then unlocking doors with a new remote)


Car not rearming while running on remote start or after shutting down by remote starter

I am looking for help on my car unlocking issue when running on remote start and staying unlocked after remote start and also getting unlocked immidetaly even I press lock button while it is running on remote start. After speaking with some one on phone with fortin, I disabled option D2 since some one told I dont need to do this from evo-all and I need to do this from crimestopper rs4-g5. This doesnt work. Then I selected options 8 in rs4-g5 which is to lock after remote start and it still do the same Then I selected option 10 to off which is not to unlock before remote start to just test this out of curosity. I am suprised car is still getting remote started. I dont know why my alarm go off at this point. since I switched off options to unlock before remote start in both rs4-g5 and evo-all Then finally I enabled option D5 in evo-all thinking that may help in lock the door after remote start, but still not working. I ran out of options. can someone please help.


Car not rearming while running on remote start or after shutting down by remote starter

I am looking for help on my car unlocking issue when running on remote start and staying unlocked after remote start and also getting unlocked immidetaly even I press lock button while it is running on remote start. After speaking with some one on phone with fortin, I disabled option D2 since some one told I dont need to do this from evo-all and I need to do this from crimestopper rs4-g5. This doesnt work. Then I selected options 8 in rs4-g5 which is to lock after remote start and it still do the same Then I selected option 10 to off which is not to unlock before remote start to just test this out of curosity. I am suprised car is still getting remote started. I dont know why my alarm go off at this point. since I switched off options to unlock before remote start in both rs4-g5 and evo-all Then finally I enabled option D5 in evo-all thinking that may help in lock the door after remote start, but still not working. I ran out of options. can someone please help.


Car is unlocking while remote started and Auto light issue

Hi, I installed fortin Evo-all with Crimestopper rs4-g5 and everything working fine expect for one issue. I find that car is getting unlocked when it is remoted started and I think becuase of this auto-lights off also not working they are staying on for whole run. How can I keep the vechicle locked while remote started and unlock it with remote start key. I taught this is default thing for remote startes or do I need to enable option 8 is rs4-g5?
