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Ford smrick2 (190Pts.)


Why does it only honk now when I remote start

Installed evo all with my car telematics with 944 rf kit and has worked beautifully since 2019 with the occasional horn honking when I remote start but I had to remove module and wiring from dash for some audio upgrades now all it does is honk the horn when I try to remote start. Does not try to crank everything powers up as it should then nothing. Thats on first attempt 2nd attempt does even do that. I have since go in and tried to reprogram module as t


Ford smrick2 (190Pts.)


Why does it only honk now when I remote start

Installed evo all with my car telematics with 944 rf kit and has worked beautifully since 2019 with the occasional horn honking when I remote start but I had to remove module and wiring from dash for some audio upgrades now all it does is honk the horn when I try to remote start. Does not try to crank everything powers up as it should then nothing. Thats on first attempt 2nd attempt does even do that. I have since go in and tried to reprogram module as t


Evo start 2 no service after switching from iPhone to Samsung s21

Customer switched from iPhone to Samsung S21 And now cannot login and it says the service is Unfortunately not available, it should be up shortly evo all with toy 13 harness and evo start 2 2020 rav 4 push start


Evo start 2 no service after switching from iPhone to Samsung s21

Customer switched from iPhone to Samsung S21 And now cannot login and it says the service is Unfortunately not available, it should be up shortly evo all with toy 13 harness and evo start 2 2020 rav 4 push start


Starter has worked prefect for 2 years-suddenly Tail light /marker lights will not turn off; Remote start not working


Starter has worked prefect for 2 years-suddenly Tail light /marker lights will not turn off; Remote start not working


How to program Revo 4.1 to the Evo-One?

I have purchased the Revo 4.1 rf kit to go with the EVO-ONE. I went to program EVO-ONE with the Flash-Link 4 prior to receiving it. So I am ready to go when it arives. There is no option to select the Revo 4.1 rf kit. There is only the smartphone and Forin rf kit choices, or no rf kit. How do I select the Revo 4.1 rf kit ro program with the EVO-ONE?


2013 Toyota Corolla Evo-All stuck on step 5 in programming procedure

Hi, I installed a remote start on a 2013 Toyota Corolla that uses the Evo-All bypass module. I am currently stuck on step 5 of the programming procedure on page 3. When I turn the key to the on position the blue and red led light from the previous step turn off and nothing happens. I checked all the wiring going to the ODBll with a multimeter and everything seems fine. The remote start does crank over the engine but will not start unless the key is close to the ignition. Does anybody have any suggestions?


How to find toggle switch in flash link manager 4



Good afternoon, I downloaded the latest version of FLASH LINK MANAGER 4.51, the program opens but it does not start, it is constantly loading. What could be the problem?



1) I Installed EVO All and Tharness (programmed EVO while hooked up to harness in car > Evo lit up blue when pushing lock but car would not start using oem remote. (Learned I needed flashlink) 2) Bought flashlink 4 and updated and flashed EVO All 3) Reinstalled EVO All and ZERO lghts came on and car did not start I followed recommended settings: A1-11 ALL ON B2 OFF C1 & D1 ON D2 ON After flashing the EVO I depressed the program button and no lights come on. I plugged it back into the wiring harness and again, no lights. Before I flashed it the red light would come on while depressing the button...what could have happened? FRUSTRATED!!!


Configurer FlashLink 4

Bonjour, Comment activer la option Fortin2 dans la nouvelle version de FlashLink pour pouvoir utiliser une télécommande de REVO-1 de cgez Crimestopper avec un EVO-ONE?


Rav 4 2017 probleme quand j etain le moteur avec la manette

Pourquoi quand j étain un rav 4 2017 avec la manette du demarreur le module simule une sortie de la porte passager et cela ne fait pas éteindre mes lumière automatique seulement la porte conducteur le.fait mon installation est fait avec t connector et evo one, si je ne met pas les lumière exterieur à auto c est ok, y a t il moyen de modifier la.programmation du evo one pour quand jarrete le.moteur avec la manette qu il simule une sortie de la porte conducteur pour faire etendre les lumière automatique merci
