The wording to me seems diffarant than what im use to just need some clarification.
2016 kia soul standard key evo one with t harness rf kit 642w -2way
1. neg ignition green output 750 ma . This is basically saying if i need a seconed ignition wire this going to be used in conjuction with a relay to achieve that seconed ignition wire?
2.neg start white output 750ma . same thing as above if i need a seconed starter wire this is going to be used with a relay to achive that?
3. neg disarm orange output 750ma . this is to shut down factory alarm connected to factory disarm wire normally when you un lock the dooor with the key,wire is normally found in kick panel.
4. pos foot brake black input . normally attached to foot brake to shut down remote start?
That was my understanding of these wires please correct me if wrong.
Does all the fortin evo all have 750ma outputs and do the require relays to use?
Again maybe im reading and understanding these wrong.