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Daniel Scott

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Aug. 15, 2019





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Evo-One master reset not working.

I turn the ignition to on, but when I press and hold the valet switch the parking lights do not come on. I then press and release the valet switch 23 times and then step on the brake pedal and release it. I then press and hold the valet switch for 5 seconds and when I turn of the ignition, the parking lights flash 4 time. I need the unit to reset because I have reached the limit for the Dcryptor. The vehicle is a 2014 Subaru XV Crosstrek 2.0 automatic with standard key. The unit service number is 002B07 338366


Evo-one remote start tach setting

Engine starts and then shuts down after 4 or 5 seconds. Parking lights flash 4 times letting me know that the tach setting is the problem. Currently, it is set to Tach data-link only. I have not been able to find anything in the installation manual for the correct setting. The vehicle is a 2014 Subaru XV Crosstrek 2.01 Premium standard key with automatic trans. Evo-one service number 002B07 338366


Engine fails to remote start

The module is programmed correctly and all sequences leading up to the remote cranking of the engine work fine. At that point the parking lights come on and then the headlights flash, but nothing else.


Dcryptor limit reached for this car error

Hi i called tech support yesterday about this error Dcryptor limit reached for this car, they said it would be reset in 24 hours, is there an way i can tell if it has been done? i just tried again and got same error. service # 001A06 677670 the flash manager shows 2/8 flash limit btw thanks


FAQ HAI TRAN (210Pts.)


LINKR-LT2 (VS-4LU) 4G won't work with EVO ONE

I just got a Linkr-LT2. It came with the Linkr-LT1 quick install guide. I followed the steps in the quick install guide but the unit does not work.
The Linkr LT app only shows my car battery voltage and connection signal. The GPS tracking is working fine. The START/STOP/LOCK/UNLOCK
don't work. I searched the internet and found the "mycar installation guide". I followed the steps to learn the Linkr-lt2 to the Evo one. I turned on the "Fortin 2" function on the EVE ONe.  I pressed and held the valet button for 5 seconds but the RED led light on the Evo One did not turn on.


Problem SOLVED. .Linkr LT2 is working fine now...

I found the video on youtube 12voltsolution.  The guy pressed the UNLOCK button on car key several times to neutralize the EVO ONE before he did the following steps.


In order to communicate with the remote starter, the telematic system must be learned to the EVO-ONE.
1 - Cycle the ignition to the ON position.
2 - The YELLOW LED on top of the EVO-ONE should come ON.
3 - Press & Hold the EVO-ONE programming Valet button for 5 seconds.
4 - The RED LED on the side of the EVO-ONE will Flash rapidly.
5 - Release the push button.
6 - Press & Release the push button 5x times. Everytime the push button is pressed the parking lights
& the RED LED on the side of the EVO-ONE will blink.
7 - Then Press & Release the Brake pedal.
8 - At that same moment the RED LED on the side of the EVO-ONE will blink once to confirm that the
Telematic device ID has been learned to the EVO-ONE.
9 - Cycle the vehicle’s ignition to the OFF position to Exit the EVO-ONE programming.





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