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Alexander Oliynyk

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Aug. 13, 2019





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shock sensor power

Evo-one, currently utilizing dark blue wire A8 with option 32.4 to detect armed system status, but would better use it for another purpose.. what about 12V power at black 3 pin shock sensor connector F? Is it always ON? there's no way to play around and make it energised when it's armed only?


wired hood trigger and can-bus in Evo-One

SmartStart2 can show the status of doors, trunk and hood. Unfortunetely, 2019 Nissan NV200 doesn't have OEM hood triger, so i wired pink/black A15 hood trigger and it kinda works, but it's reported as a DOOR. There's an option A11 - Hood Trigger in bypass module, should it be ON or OFF? Doesn't seem to make any difference Or, is it possibile to wire the hood triger straight into BCM? i can't find it Not a big deal, just wondered if it was ever designed to report as a HOOD at all


Evo-One and 2019 Nissan NV200, special features?

Bypass module has "special features" E4 and E5. I couldn't find any difference if they are enabled or disabled... But what are they?


Backup power for Evo-ONE? Just to make siren work properly on main power cutoff

Sometimes RF unit gets shut off during start, take few minutes to restore gps and network connection back.. so decided to install extra battery. There's a nice 520T device that also trigger alarm on main power cut off. But i need evo-one running on backup battery to control arm status. Wiring battery without Evo-one will trigger siren when it's not even armed. So.. can i connect too power sources to evo-one? High and low power at the same time?


Toyota J H (180Pts.)


What exactly does D4 ON/OFF Do... Toyota Prius V 2014

So the manual says "Program bypass Option(Vehicle hybrid only): D4 Description: Hybrid mode The fact that is is a 'bypass', it being 'on', is that disabling hybrid in the remote start? Same goes for the D6 "Push To Start".. It's not clear what effect leaving the flag on/off will do. I want the car to stay in hybrid-mode at all times( engine only run when drive battery is depleted )


Did Fortin get the dsm550 working with the evo-one evo-all

Did Fortin get the latest directed smartstart working with the Evo one/Evo all?


evo one remote start works, but no accessory power until i get in and turn the key

well basically.... the title. 2004 350z, i have option 2.3 enabled like it says in the guide, not sure where i'm going wrong


Cannot enter into a programming mode on EVO-ONE, 2015 Audi A8

After EVO-ONE install on 2015 Audi A8L, per instructions on this site, everythgign works. Car remote starts, etc. However, I cannot enter into the programming mode using the wired programming button. It does absolutely nothing. I held it for a minute, after the yellow LED turned on on the front of the unit, nothing. Extremely frustrating. Please advise. Here is additional information 1. Service number: 002B07308383 2. Bypass Firmware: 60.05 3. Remote Starter Firmware: 1.24 4. Per instructions, Pink ignition wire on 6-pin connector is NOTY CONNECTED to anuthing. Should it be?

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