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Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


2022 PRADO

For the 2022 Prado I indicated the 2018 LC150(euro). I connected CAN in the middle BCM connector. Blue is high, white is low. + and - I connected to the OBD. The parking lights turned on themselves...Even the position of the auto light lever did not interfere. The steering wheel did not close at all and did not have SLP either.


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)



I install fortin evo-all on LC200 (EURO) (standalone--408261). I release the programming button to blue. I connect the rest of the connectors. I turn on the ignition, the blue goes out and after a while the red starts flashing. Wire colors don't match either.


Unit flashes 5 times with hood closed

2010 toyota prius. Did install and it worked fine. Next day came back because it wont start. Lights flash 5 times indicating hood open. I disconnected hood switch and issue persists. Reprogrammed unit to the vehicle and it works again. Possibly bad unit? Service number 001a07 016839


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


2021-2022 LC200

Hello. Is there a wiring diagram for 2021-2022 LC200?


2008 Tundra 3x oem remote start using Evo one stand alone

Is it possible to use the Evo one stand alone and the oem fobs on a 2008 tundra dot key? If so how to configure the Evo and what extra connections need to be made. Thank you.


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


2014 LC150 the decryptor does not end.

I want to install evo-all (standalone) on 2014 LC150, but the decryptor doesn't end there. I tried 2 modules and the same ... 001A07172711 and 001A07273022. What to do?


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


2019 lc150 turbo timer

Is it possible to implement a turbo timer for 2019 LC150? I want to install evo-all (stand alone) on it.


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


2017 hilux

Hello. Today I installed evo-all on a 2017 Toyota HILUX. The module has been programmed, but the car does not start remotely and the dashboard writes "malfunction of the entry and start system." What should I do? 001Ф07 032826


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


2020 LC150

I installed remote engine start today. for 2020 LC 150. Nothing happened after the decryptor. This was the 2019 module ... And then the 2021 module was installed. Why so?


EVO-ALL thar-toy13 harness connections all in do i need to leave any disconnected?

wont start and no led indications whatsoever on module when key fob button pushed 3times .

Any experienced with EVO-ALL thar-toy13 harness connections ,all plugs in do i need to leave any disconnected?


EVO-ALL thar-toy13 harness connections all in do i need to leave any disconnected?

wont start and no led indications whatsoever on module when key fob button pushed 3times .

Any experienced with EVO-ALL thar-toy13 harness connections ,all plugs in do i need to leave any disconnected?


2016 Toyota Prius Push to Start, Hybrid error and check engine light

Hydrid system error and check engine light are on now when they were not before the installation? Anyone know why?


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


2018-2020 land cruiser 150

Hello. In guide # 73781(2018-2020 LC150) does not say where to connect the parking lights. I, on the plug of the light switch, cut the white wire # 20, connected them on the 30 and 87a contacts of the additional relay and gave a minus from fortin (A14) with diodes and on the relay and on the white wire # 18 of the light switch. Is it possible to use yellow-red and yellow-green wires from the red plug of fortin instead of the auxiliary relay?


Will Guide # 84961 work for a 2003 Camry that does not have immobilizer from the factory

I have 2003 Camry that I followed Guide # 84961. I could not find the immobilizer to connect A10/20 to. These are for the anti-theft immobilizer which this car does not have. I left them out and did not do the bypass programming as I didn't think it needed it since the car didn't have an immoblizer. I programmed in a RF642w RF kit. I was able to remote start the car fine and lock/unlock worked fine. Everything was working until I hit the Aux(4th button down). That seemed to make the Evo-One unresponsive and now the remotes dont seem to work. I unplugged the evo one and plugged back in but nothing lights up. What is concerning is the car no longer starts with the key. All lights come on but no crank. Evo-One is not fried as it is still responsive when I plug it into the flashlink updater. Could it be the relays? Are there recommended relays for this guide or will any 12 volt relay work?


Red light Won't flash when the key is inserte during programming

I installing an EVO-ONE standalone setting, i had update the firmware and select the options recommended, but when im trying to program the module it won't program. So i hold the button, then i connect the 20 pin connector then the 5 pin and last the 6 pin connector, then the module start flashing slow blue,yellow,red,blue & red after it gets red and i release the button and the light stays on but when i insert the key, it won't flash the 10x. Its a toyota camry 2009 standard key.


2020 Toyota Avalon remote start

Any time frame on for this vehicle?


2020 Toyota Avalon remote start

Any time frame on for this vehicle?


Unit flashes 5 times with hood closed

2010 toyota prius. Did install and it worked fine. Next day came back because it wont start. Lights flash 5 times indicating hood open. I disconnected hood switch and issue persists. Reprogrammed unit to the vehicle and it works again. Possibly bad unit? Service number 001a07 016839


2015 Rav4 PTS, EVO-ALL, Stand alone RS, 3x lock, firm 79.54, guide 34051

2015 Rav4 PTS, EVO-ALL, Stand Alone RS, OE remote, 3x LOCK, firm 79.54, Guide 34051. Enabled options(Green) - B1, C1, D1, D1.7, D1.10, D2, D6 Vehicle will not start. I get 5 flahes after pressing lock 3x. Supposedly for Hood. Hood is closed. Disconnected hood pin to verify no ground was detected. Still same response. Hard reset/reprogrammed features/still same response. What am I missing? First time using a Fortin for RS. Usually only use for convenience features. -Jon


2006 Toyota Sequoia EVO-ALL Guide

Is there an installation guide for the EVO-ALL and a 2006 Toyota Sequoia? I see it has remote start capabilities, but shows no guide. Thanks, Jake


2018 Toyota Highlander PTS EVO-ALL 642W AUX does not operate power lift gate?

2018 Highlander PTS, from what I can gather there is no viable solution to the liftgate option without an EVO-ONE. The 642W/EVO-ALL just sends a pulsed output to the liftgate as far as I can tell, but it requires a latching pulse. Anyone know of any current solutions?


How to use Evo one as stand alone alarm

Want to know how to connect evo one as stand alone alarm, my car doesn't have alarm, and also how to use the available censors on my car and how to add other sensors like impact censor and windows censor


2018 Highlander Won't Start with Evo-All and T-Harness

Used the flash link to update the EvoAll unit to firware 79.45 Following the Stand-Alone Evo-All & THAR-TOY6 instructions, connected all connectors that are mandatory. Did not connect the "optional" wire to the push button start switch, what is it for? Also, did not install a hood pin as the 2018 Highlander should have hood sensor built into the ECU, yeah? Push lock 3x, blue light on EVO flashes with each push, then one flash, then nothing.


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


stand alone 2014 prado pts

It is not programmed fortin evo-all on 2014 prado. After turning on the ignition, the blue LED starts flashing frequently and constantly. But, after pressing on the programming button, the blue LED changes to a slow flashing and so elongates. I installed another evo-all, which was registered for 2015, and everything was fine What will be the reason?


2014-2018 Toyota Corolla Vehicle PTS shut down when door opened...

Just wanted to confirm there is no way to keep vehicle running when remoted start upon entry whether I install evo one or evo all? Vehicle has to shutdown and restarted once in vehicle? Thank you,

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