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Why blue and red flashing LED after programming 1st key bypass on Evo All on 2014 Mazda CX5?

I am using guide 62951 to program the Evo-Mazt1 to an automatic push button start 2014 Mazda CX5. I have verified continuity to the door lock data and data key wires. When following the key bypass programming procedure it works fine until I get to step 6 on page 9 to learn the first key. Yellow LED lights up briefly then immediately starts flashing red and blue continuously. I have tried using the flasher to re-save the settings. Have tried taking the battery out of the key/fob. Sometimes it stays blue. Sometimes it flashes red and blue. Any help is appreciated. SN: 00A06 843321


After step 13 of programing, all three lights are flashing not just yellow and red.

While programing the Evo All, stand alone starter, with mazda t-harness, I'm not getting the yellow and red flashing lights after step 13. Instead all three lights flash at the same time. If I hook it up to the flash link to use the Dcryptor, it's says there is incomplete key information. I don't know what to do from here. Any suggestions. I did try a factory refresh but am getting the same thing. Everything seams to go right up to step 13.


2017 CX-5 Doesn't Get Yellow Light When Ignition Turned On

Installing Evo-All & THAR-MAZ1 on 2017 Mazda CX-5. Followed the guide (62391/66311... different guides if going through troubleshooter vs Flash Link guide) for firmware & options (tried firmware 85.12 & 85.11) THAR-MAZ1 only has Start/Stop 2nd connector (24 pin) & no 32 pin connector. So I am using the recommended wiring connections minus Data Key & Door Lock Data (A10 & A20) When programming I cannot get the module to recognize a key (blue LED, no yellow LED illuminated when ignition is turned on). Is the Data Key (A10) required? It is not in the THAR-MAZ1 harness nor is it populated in the OEM female connector. One of the keys to this vehicle was lost previously & only have 1. Is it possible to program with only one key? (the Flash Link Manager notes that 2 keys are required. I don't quite understand why)


2016 Mazda CX5 wont start after Evo-ALL stand alone 1 key remote start

I tried with 2 program procedure a couple times without success, so I did the 1 key stand alone remote start procedure. All of the LED indicators worked correctly and the Dcryptor procedure was successful. I installed the unit back into the car and I am getting a sequence of light flashing both with the module and running lights. I double and triple checked to make sure all connections were solid and correct. No external RF is being used, so most of the those connections are left unconnected. 4A-4B empty pin to ground is connected (hood pin wire was left unattached, but was tried both connected to a ground and unconnected with no success) Door lock and Data key connections correct and solid D connector with parking lights correct The main reason I did not do the 2 key program procedure was becuase the securty light was not illuminated after pressing the start button twice for the first key programming. I have videos of the remote start process and the lights blinking for both the outside of the car and the module inside the car. I will attach a link for youtube videos. Module video outside vehicle video Thanks a bunch


2019 Mazda 6 not starting after successful programming with evo all

Hey everyone, I'm trying to install an EVO-ALL in standalone mode on a 2019 Mazda 6 with a T-Harness. I initially successfully programmed the module with the two keys, and then successfully completed the CAN procedure as well. Unfortunately I could not get it to start, the module would have the red and orange lights on but would make no effort to crank the car. I tried starting over by resetting the module, and now whenever I repeat the programming process I see a flashing red light, which supposedly means that the keys are already linked to the unit. Doing the CAN procedure now also results in all 3 lights cycling instead of the single blue light going off. Simply plugging the module in results in all 3 lights flashing. I'm not entirely sure where to go from here. I'd like to start over but I'm not sure how to do that.



hi, i worked on  a 2016 mazda CX-3, AUTO transimission ,push to start.

i use EVO ALL+MYCAR mobile control.

flashed the EVO ALL with 71.[44] firmware. STAND ALONE CONFIGURATION: D1,H2

connected all the wires. EXCEPT: parking lights(optional), hood pin

now I'm stucked at programing step 13. The vehicle's ignition turn ON, then nothing happened, The Yellow and Red LED’s will NOT come on. then ignition turns off.

when connect the EVO ALL back to computer, it says DCryptor: THE IMMOBILIZER DATA RECEIVED FROM THE MODULE IS INCOMPLETE.

i have tried 2 different EVO-ALL , same problem.


Yellow, blue and red lights keep flashing when I plug evo-all in.

Flash unit using flash-link via PC. Even tried reset,.same outcome. SN: 001 A07 214660 Flash successfully. Status light change when trying ti program, but does not take program correctly.


2015 Mazda 3 Won't Start after successful Programming/Decrypt

Hello, I am trying to install an EVO ALL as a standalone remote starter unit in a 2015 Automatic Mazda 3 w/Push to Start. I used a MAZ1 T-Harness to install, and properly soldered in the two CAN wire connections for the door locks, verified D1 and C1 are enabled in the options, and also Disabled A11 as I do not have a OEM Hood Pin, and Wired in the blue hood pin wire to the included hood pin, and installed it. I have verified that when closed, wire is not grounded, and when open the the wire has ground to the unit. I was able to successfully program 2 keys, and connect the unit to be decrypted, which finished successfully. Now when trying to start the unit with 3x Lock from outside the car, the car will not start. Monitoring the LED's on the unit show the Blue CAN light flashing first, triggering the lock sequence, followed by the Red LED turning on solid, then the Yellow LED on solid...but then nothing happens. It then tries to retry the sequence it seems. I am not getting any Red LED Flashing afterwards at all.


Programming Evo All stuck at step 5

Programming an Evo All for 2016 Mazda 6 push to start automatic. Using guide #62791 ive installed everything and am programming my Evo All, and I'm stalled at step 5/6. Light is blue solid, but when I hit the start button twice the ignition clicks but won't turn over. The light never turns yellow, I've started over dozens of times.


red flashing instead of red and yellow flashing?

Mazda cx-5 2018   Evo all guide # 66311   on step 13 I have an only red light flashing once every second and did not stop!!   I tried and read different solution founded here, but it ends with the same red flashing   all wires connected correctly 


Security indicator flashes a long time & yellow light doesn't turn off

2016 Mazda 3 Fortin EVO-MAZT1 Stand-Alone add-on


So when I go to start the programming the first time I turn the car on like the video ( the security indicator flashes quickly for about 30 seconds.  if I turn it on a 2nd time like in the video the security indicator light is only on for a few seconds like it's supposed to.


If I wait to turn off the car until after the security indicator stops flashing then the yellow light does not turn off.


if I only wait the 3-5 seconds and turn off the car the yellow light will turn off and the security indicator will flash quickly for the 2nd key also. and the yellow light will turn off but the red and yellow lights don't start flashing and it doesn't turn on and off the car.


I have tried removing the batteries from the key fobs and trying that but I might have messed that up and will try that again.


is the hood pin and wiring required for programming? because I haven't hooked that up yet.



EVO-ALL Stand-Alone with T-Harness on Mazda CX5 PTS 2013 Not working anymore

Everything has been working fine for 2 months then started having issues. Guide used: STAND ALONE THAR-MAZ1 THARNESS INSTALLATION - 2 KEYS PROGRAMMING The Car wouldn't start ramdomly and have to remove (-) from battery a couple of times to Reset the system. Then it would finally start. It has been doing this 5 times now (always when in hurry, with the kids or when -40C). I checked for the firmware and upgraded to latest revision (my system was only installed 2-3 months ago). After the Can Bus programming, it flashes Red/Yellow (after blue blinks several times). Remote Start just doesn't work anymore but I can manually start. When I try to remote start, EVO-ALL flashes 3x (means NO TACH). No much troubleshooting help on NO TACH. I'm definitely thinking of ripping the whole thing out now (EVO-ALL currently removed from the car). I'm always afraid the car won't start when I get in.


Can EVO-MAZT1 in standalone mode be programmed with one key/fob?

I am looking to install the EVO-All with the THAR-MAZ1 t-harrness in standalone configuration in a 2014 Mazda 3 (push-button automatic), and the installation guide states that 2 key fobs are required to programm the evo-all, however I only have 1 key fob.

I want a confirmation whether the evo-all can be programmed successfully with a single key fob, and clarification on what that process would look like? Should I simply skip the steps for the second key fob or follow the steps using the first key? 

Installation Guide page 8:



Can I trim the extra wires from my THAR once installation is complete?

I have a 2016 Mazda 3 doing a stand-alone install with a T-Harness. Following the guide: Once completed, I will have only connected A8 and A20 directly from the "A" connector. Can I cut the other wires from the A connector for a "cleaner" installation? Obviously I would leave A1, A10, A19 because those are fed from the t-harness connections. Also, if I have no plans of adding an RF kit, can I cut/remove the white & blue wires on the "B" connector as well as the "extra" red and black wires leading to the RF kit? Like I said, just trying to make the cleanest install I can.


Evo-All Mazda cx5 2018 Programmed but, won't start. Red and Yellow Leds, and clicking relay

I'm going nuts. I've tried everything multiple times and still struggling with this. Blue leds flash with every button. I am getting red and yellow leds when I try to start with 3x lock. The relay for the lights click several times. I keep reading that it should be the hood pin, but when I try jumping the pins under the hood, my car goes nuts and throws a ton of errors. I tried grounding the blue wire from the large connector on the evo-all, and then it wouldn't even attemt to work. (I disconnected that wire.) I've been through every connection several times with a volt meter checking continuity and I just can't seem to find anything to solve this. Is it in my options? I went back to the Flashlink and changed all the settings to default suggested settings. I'm getting 4 or 5 light flashes. I know the fobs are not in the car. So, it has to be hood.? Never mind, Got it... the wire I used under the hood to jump the pin was frayed a little at the end and must have been shorting on a nearby pin. I know I ran accross someone else's question with the same errors on the dash. I hope this helps. Cheers!


2015 Mazda 6 EVO ONE/ RF642W QUESTION

Will the RF kit RF642W work as standalone Key FOB if i install it on my 2015 Mazda 6? I have the EVO One (not installed yet) with T- Harness. I wanted the extended range of the RF kit but i's rather not have to carry the OEM key FOB as well as the RF key FOB. Thanks


2016 auto Mazda Cx5 with EVO-ALL and THAR-Maz1 no start

Car: Mazda CX-5 2016 auto w/ push to start Parts Used: Evo-ALL with THAR-Maz1 hardness Guide Used: 62951 Wires hooked up: Parking Lights- Yellow/Red, Yellow/Blue, Yellow/Green Connector A into Connector C, and Connector B plugged into Plug 1. Data Door Lock- Lt. Blue to Green/Orange Data Key- Lt Blue/Black to Black/White Yellow- Nothing NO RF KIT USED White and Black plugs on end of 4-wire Data plug- nothing (NO RF KIT USED) (-) Lock, (-)Unlock, Start/Stop External- None hooked up, USING OEM KEYS TO START. No Hood Pin installed, Hood Pin Wire connected to Black Wire (Pin 7) in Fuse box 12 Pin Connector ONLY. I went through all the programming exactly as stated in the Guide, every light that was supposed to come on or turn off did exactly as told. De-Cryptor worked and was verifeid by a Tech Support to have worked. CAN Programming also went exactly as it should all the way until it flashed blue rapidly, and I turned off the ignition and the light turned off. When I press any button on the remotes the EVO-ALL flashed the blue light. When I do the sequence (Lock, Unlock, Lock) The Red Light will turn on, then the yellow light will also turn on. Both are on steady and you can hear the EVO make a noise about 6-7 times. Then all the lights turn off, and about 4 seconds later it repeats the same pattern. Please help me to figure out what is not going to plan. Suggestions I have are: Should the Hood Pin wire be grounded to both the black wire (pin 7 on 12 Pin connector) and also in the Pin 11 slot, in the 18 pin connector? Or is just the black wire good? Also, I am not sure what the 10 amp fuse that is listed as a required part is for. Did I miss some step where I should be installing that 10 amp fuse somewhere? Thanks for your help.


2014 Mazda 3 stand alone evo all and thar-maz1 successful programming, no start


I have a 2014 mazda 3 automatic push to start, and I want to have the oem remote start using the evo all stand-alone with t-harness. I've followed this guide: and I've successfully programmed the module per the guide, the last step was the rapid blue light flashing and that did happen (the only thing I didn't do was set up the parking lights since it was optional). Only the remote start function doesn't work. I've played with the settings a bit and always have c1 and d1 on, I just tried turning D3 on and it still didn't work. I also have D2 on, and when I do the 3x lock, the yellow hazards flash on my car 3 times, and then the door unlocks like D2 states, and then after a few seconds they flash again 3 times, and the door unlocks... and then nothing happens after that. Am I missing settings or anything else simple? Or anything else?

I had another evo-all with tharness that I master-reset after finishing the programming, and then eventually called tech support and they said that evo all would no longer work with my car because I did that. 


One other note: only one of my keys seems to work with the unit; its the only one that will make the blue led flash when I press the lock button that is. From other questions it seems the other key is a clone and won't work with the evo all or something, which I'm fine with, as long as I can get the original one to actually start my car.


Which remote start is good for me?

Hi, I am a newbie in the remote start area, I do not understand a lot of things. I am looking for a simple remote start solution using my original for my 2014 Mazda CX-5 automatic. The site gives me 2 answers, EVO-ONE and EVO- ALL for double price. I do not understand what are the differences - What does mean T-Harness available? Is it necessary or optional? For what? - Flash Link updater? What is? Ok, I know what is firmware updater, but is this required or optional? - What is Regular installation and Standalone installation? - What is Take over? Is it something hardware or just a settings?


After step 13 of programing, all three lights are flashing not just yellow and red.

While programing the Evo All, stand alone starter, with mazda t-harness, I'm not getting the yellow and red flashing lights after step 13. Instead all three lights flash at the same time. If I hook it up to the flash link to use the Dcryptor, it's says there is incomplete key information. I don't know what to do from here. Any suggestions. I did try a factory refresh but am getting the same thing. Everything seams to go right up to step 13.


Wiring diagram CX5 Stand Alone

Hey I know this might be rookie questions but, I recently purchased the Evo All for my mazda CX5. I will be installing it Stand Alone. Looking at page 3 of 13, I am a bit confused with the wiring of D1 and D3. You say to cut the wire from slot 3 on parking connector, then to attach D1 to wire coming from car harness not the connector, is that right or am i reading it wrong? Is D3 connected? thanks

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