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How to connect Evo-all build in alarm to 2014 camry pts

Install evo-all with optional mycar module to 2014 camry pts, remote start work but i also want to hardwire shock sensor to evo-all built in alarm. How do i make that happen, thanks


How to connect Evo-all build in alarm to 2014 camry pts

Install evo-all with optional mycar module to 2014 camry pts, remote start work but i also want to hardwire shock sensor to evo-all built in alarm. How do i make that happen, thanks


Remote start shutdown trigger OEM alarm 2014 Toyota Camry PTS

I have installed an evo-all (s/n # 001AO7065000) in a 2014 toyota camry pts, its work as expected except its will trigger oem alarm either by my or timer. I have turn on the disenable alarm prior to start/enable after shutdown option too but its still trigger alarm, every morning the oem trigger right after remote start shutdown getting very annoying. Also i have installed mycar module with the evo-all, mycar module have an option that will detect the alarm (alarm input detection) and push notifications on the phone but i dont see that the evo-all (harness) have any output to horn that i can tap into for the (alarm input detection) to work. Please advise, thank you so much. This is a repeated question and im apologize for that, because its getting very annoying that the oem alarm trigger at 6 am. Im desperately need help


2014 Camry fob not working after remote started?

When 3X lock is pressed vehicle starts. Then when started the FOB doesn't work while vehicle is running and have to use the key to enter the vehicle.

I've installed 2 other remote starts in 2013 Corolla and 2016 Tacoma, and after vehicles has started, I can still use the key FOB to unlock the door. I can also click 3X on the lock and shutoff vehicles. But I can't do it with 2014 camry...did I miss a wire? or is this normal operation?

thank you.


2014 camry hybrid not starting

I need some help,

2014 Camry Hybrid push to start.

Installed Evo All and using as stand alone remote start only. Blue light on unit flashes with each remote command but vehicle does nothing after giving it the 3x lock command from factory remote

Evo All 03/2019  using Firmwarwe 79.66  Installed with Guide # 70451

and installed with Thar Toy6 harness 





2014 camry door trigger not working

Evo-one with thar-4 harness + rf kit, if system is armed/locked I can leave window open and when the door is opened without using remote the alarm does not trigger. Also when opening or closing the doors I get no blue led for canbus? I verified the light blue door data line is connected all the way from the evo-one to the t-harness at the ecu... is this a setting that I am missing?


I have a Toyota Corolla 2014 Standard 1.6 Liter... What do I choose?

I have a Toyota Corolla 2014 Standard 1.6 Liter... What do I choose?


Fortin Evo one plus RFk942 can’t get it work 6 hours of trying 2014 tundra

Ok here is the basics I have the eco one hardware 2.xx I just updated the firmware in the bypass and the other section. Forgive me I'm tired and can't remember.

"As for the RF kit, the only option you need enabled is RFLF in the remote starter options". As per the instructions "Press and hold the valet switch until the parking lights turn ON, the horn/Sirn will chirp"  this does not happen.   Step 2 works "Press and hold the valet switch or the antenna but- ton until the Parking lights turn ON, the horn/siren will chirp" But thats to "ERASES ALL REMOTES THAT HAVE BEEN PROGRAMMED AND RESETS ALL FUNCTIONS BACK TO DEFAULT."


i have no idea what I am doing wrong? I can't get past step on by pressing the recently connected valet button to start the RF kit instructions.  I also Don't see "RFLF" anywhere in the flashlink updater 

my problem is I don't think my valet switch is working.  I had been using the OEM Toyota 2 button remote for years.

when I originally installed and programmed the Evo One the valet switch was not installed.. could this be a problem?



Hi everyone, My vehicle: Camry 2014 with G stamped keys. Services #: 002B07 318660 EVO ONE Last week, I installed EVO-ONE with Toy-thar-one-2 harness following guide: #76661. I also have the RF642W added on because I knew my car needed RF-kit to remote start (OEM 3X LOCK not supported). I installed them through, got them working. RF remotes started my car just fine the first night (about 15 F degree outside atm). Unfortunately, they both stopped working the next morning due to no reason or change (45 F degrees atm). The car would just crank when I remote start and then stop. During the cranking, as soon as I put my G-key in, it starts just fine. Normal key-turning starting worked. I then re-flashed my Evo-ONE and re-programed it into my car. They worked at first and then stopped working the next morning all over again. This time, outside temperature did not change much. So I guess it must not have anything to do with the cold-start feature. I think maybe my Evo un-learns programs itself? May it be the cause here? About my installation: As I follow the instruction, I have my installation done with successful programming. At Flash-link step, I updated both By-pass and remote starter to the most current recommended versions: 79.51 and 1.24. I left all options as recommended by the wizard too. One thing I noticed, the guide wanted Function 2 in Remote Start to be in Mode 4 which it says "+ Start 2 E1, + Ignition 2 E2". However in Flash-link, Mode 4 shows as "White (E1) START, ORANGE (E2) Ignition 2". I dont know if the difference would cause me the problem. Thank you a lot!


Issue with programming camry 2014 G-key

Ths issue is when i open the ignition on to finish the programming the lights off nothing is happen


Quelle harnais choisirToyota Corolla 2014 à clé ?

Bonjour, J'aimeraisr quel harnais choisir pour un installation stand alone Toyota Corolla 2014 à clé ? Il y a 2 choix, le thar-one toy3 ou thar-one toy 8. Lequel choisir? Merci Yvan


2014 Toyota Sienna (G key) keyless entry clicks but door lock don't lock/unlock

I have Evo One w/ Compustar Rf remote kit (Rf-2WG9-SP), when I press the lock or unlock on the remotes the Evo-One clicks and lights blinks but the door doesn't lock/unlock. But if I remote start the vehicle while engine running I press unlock the power lock works, but if I turn off the vehicle and press lock it will not lock the doors (Evo-One clicks & lights blinks). Sometime when I'm driving the power door locks will lock/unlock by it's self, thought that was kinda weird. Lmk whats your thoughts, Thanks. -Al


Toyota sienna 2014

Salut j'ai installer un evo one avec le t connector thar one toy9 mon problême est un coup passer la programmation du module evo one , je ne suis pas capable de programmer le rf kit941w la del bleu de l antenne de flash pas seulement si je la déconnecté et reconnecter elle flash 1x mais si je mets la clef à off et on il ne se passe rien est ce un problême de filage ou de programmation avec le flash link pourtant j avais bel et bien mit l option del active


Land Cruiser Prado 2014 Middle East

i want Remote start & stop the vehicle with the OEM remote
Land Cruiser Prado 2014 Middle East.
What i choose?
Are installation method without cutting wires, etc.?


Toyota G M (16320Pts.)


Fortin installation guide for remote-start with vehicle oem remote lc200 (euro) diesel 2014

I want fortin installation guide for remote-start with vehicle oem remote TOYOTA, LAND CRUISER PRADO (EURO), PUSH-TO-START, 2014. Where can I get it? I want to buy fortin for this car.


Toyota Prado 2014 (GRJ150L)

Dear Sir,


Does the T-HARNESSES available for Toyota Prado 2014 (GRJ150L) for Evo Key?


EVO-ONE not communicating to SmartStart DSM200 - installed on 2014 Tacoma

I just left a voicemail for assistance.  

I've installed the EVO-ONE using the Fortin THAR-ONE-TOY2 harness and instructions in guide 19621 in my 2014 Toyota Tacoma V6 Automatic.  One question I had in that guide is that it appears as though Wire D4 is not supposed to be connected to anything by the scissor cut marks.  Is this correct?  

I got the EVO-ONE installed and got it to program for my key bypass, but since I'm planning on using a SmartStart DMS200, I don't have a way to test the installation of the EVO-ONE to make sure it starts my truck.  It seems the factory remotes aren't supported on Tacoma, so I can't use Lock Lock Lock to start it.

So I have the EVO-ONE connected to a brand new DSM200 module using an EVO-ALL data cable, and the DSM200 initializes to cellular system and lights solid Amber, but the green light which is supposed to come on solid to indicate communication established with the remote start never comes on.

What am I doing wrong?

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