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Evo all works fine, added Evo start lte with the rfa2a cable.

The Evo all has been installed for almost a year and works fine, even after the failed Evo start lte. I plugged the blue connectors from the rfa2a and the start wire harness. Unplugged the 4 wire data plug from the Evo all, taped off it off for protection, and plugged the 4 wire data plug from the rfa2a harness. The black and red wires are not connected and taped off. When I go to program the start, by disconnecting the data port and holding the program button nothing happens. I used the harness for my car also when installing the Evo all. I also flashed the Evo all . Did I miss a step or something?


Windows will not go up, or down from the app

21' Audi SQ5 - Evo-One with Remote Start and Thar-AUD2 Harness. The windows will not go up or down from the app. The app say Aux5 should put the windows up, and Aux6 should put the windows down. When pressing function Aux5 on the app, it says "Windows Closed", but nothing happens. When pressing function Aux6 on the app, it says "Aux6 Command Sent" and makes a sound of the windows going down, but nothing happens to the car.


Smart lte installation

Hello, I will install the evo-all-lte with the thar-aud2 on an A4 2018 of a customer who is close to me. I have a few questions because this is the first time I use your brand. The steps are not very clear in your guide, but with my experience, I managed to understand most of it, but I have questions. 1. For the configuration, is it of the smart lte, I have to program the evo-all first and then connect the smart lte and program it? 2. Your guide asks for an RFA2A “sold separately” to connect the smart lte to the evo-all, but I do not need an rf kit since I use the application and the original key. On the other hand, instead of the RFA2A, is there a connection kit provided in the box?


How do I get my power mirrors to close when using the lock function on my RF912 Remote Transmitter?

Vehicle is a 2018 Audi Q5 with Push Start OEM remote closes the power side mirrors when locked. I have the EVO-AUDT2 and RF912 2-way transmitter


Remote start doesn’t pair with the car Audi SQ7

Hello, I purchased an remote starter kit from Romania - Autoextra partner, after 3 days of working on it I had no clue how to make it work, maybe it will be easier to talk directly to you as support and not make a 3 way conversation. Update how I’m now : everything is wired corectly (measured with voltmeter), made the connection to can high and can low in the left side of driver side next to the fuse box (2,6V can high; 2,4V can low) all wired up exactly how instructions are (green, orange/brown with the grey and grey/black from the module connector) and no success, ignition on and the blue led from module goes off and stays off till I turn the ignition off again, then solid blue led shows again. Software version is 61.28 (recommended from the windows program), I refuse to think that it can’t be a solution to make it work together. Maybe someone from tehnical support or software can discuss with me to find a solution, it will be faster via whatsapp if available or by email (I think that there is only 5-6 hours difference between us). Kind regards, Andrei Neacsu


Audi JW (190Pts.)


Reason why turned off after remote start

After installing the Lock x3 remote starter and I checked work well. also I flashed the engine to turn off after 15 minutes. But there are situations where the engine turns off when I open the driver's door after starting the remote start. Even though it hasn't been 15 minutes.

It's happens sometimes. What's the problem?


Audi a3 2015 not programing

I installed a EVO ALL kit with the thar vw6 in my audi a3 with normal key, i used the R-link for programing but i cannot get the blue led to flash. firmware is 64.06 as recomended in the guide. In the guide it states i should use the 21 pin connector on the steering cullom but ther is no such plug only a 16 pin wich i used. I tried hard resetting it but i can still not get passed step 6. I used this guide for install: sn:001A07 367489 Can you please reset my flash limit? Edit: I have not connect the yellow wire from the harnes as it says: IGNITION OUTPUT FOR CONVENIENT DEVICE. Is that supposed to be connected to a 12v ignition fuse on the car?


Audi a3 2015 not programing

I installed a EVO ALL kit with the thar vw6 in my audi a3 with normal key, i used the R-link for programing but i cannot get the blue led to flash. firmware is 64.06 as recomended in the guide. In the guide it states i should use the 21 pin connector on the steering cullom but ther is no such plug only a 16 pin wich i used. I tried hard resetting it but i can still not get passed step 6. I used this guide for install: sn:001A07 367489 Can you please reset my flash limit? Edit: I have not connect the yellow wire from the harnes as it says: IGNITION OUTPUT FOR CONVENIENT DEVICE. Is that supposed to be connected to a 12v ignition fuse on the car?


2014 AUDI RS5. EVO ALL Remote start works oem fob 3X lock, but will not remote stop the vehicle with OEM FOB

Hi. I've just installed an EVO all with T-harness in standalone mode into my 2014 Audi RS5. Car has PTS and keyport. Everything went without a hitch, with decryptor programming, 3x lock oem keyfob, and works as intended, however I cannot remote shut down the vehicle with 3x lock oem FOB. FOB works to lock and unlock doors while remote started. I've checked flashlink to see if I missed selecting an option but there is nothing that mentions "remote stop" or related. Have I missed something, or is this par for the course for B8.5 Audi vehicles? Thanks. EDIT: I managed to remote shut down. I had to press the lock button on the OEM FOB about five-six times in rapid succession, but it works.


Audi Vincc (230Pts.)


Problems with Evo-All in my 2014 Audi S4


I have installed the Evo-All in my 2014 S4 and have some problems with it. 

Basically, remote starting works, but I have to Press the Lock button 5x to start the Car. It doesn't matter If I press the Button fast, wait 1 sec or wait 2 sec between the Button pushes. Needs 5x presses.
Tried already different Firmware.
Any solution for this Problem?

- Another Problem is when I start the Car remotely, the rearview camera isn't working. I need to stop the engine and start it again to get a Picture.
Where is There the Problem? Any Solution?

- Next Problem when I remotely start the Car and unlock the door with the key, I can enter and drive away without the Key?? (leaving the key away from the car) I was thinking this isn't possible?

- When I remotely start the Car, is it possible to unlock the Car with the door Handel? The Car has Keyless Entry/Go.

- Finally, can you reset my Flash Limit on my Evo-All?

S/N: 001A06905491

Thanks for helping me! 


evo-all on 2009 audi s5 will not learn/decrypt key with T-harness

I have tapped all he correct color wires by the punch and twist method, The T-harness is fully seated into the keyport module. Per the guide I am using the recommended 60.10 firmware. when Igo through the process on learning/decrypting the key, the evo all only gets to the point where all there leds alternate. but instead of getting a solid red led and then the slowly alternating red and yellow. I only get the red led that blinks 3x. and it never changes. I have also tried the alternate firmwares [.08] through [.11] and have had the same results. I have put a brand new batttery in the vehicle and the remote as well. I tried programing the evo with the option A11 both on and off. What else can I try? serial# : 001A07321568 Best wishes,


4x Lock Required to start Audi 2012 S4 with EVO-ALL+THAR-AUD1

2012 Audi S4 with Push button start, automatic trans, Installed EVO-ALL+THAR AUD1. (latest firmware confirmed with flashlink)

If the canbus is alive, the car will start on 3x lock of oem fob.

If the car is asleep, as in it sits overnight then "4x" lock is required to start the engine.

Something I've also noticed is 3x lock does not stop the engine when it has been started by the EVO-ALL if engine is started with fortin module, no amount of fob lock button pressed will not stop the engine.

The system was updated with flashlink during the install process and only setting changed was the start run time length from 5mins to 30mins.

All the wiring that is required with the THAR-AUD1 has ben double checked and as mentioend, if canbus is live it'll start perfectly fine on 3x lock, it's just when the vehcle is asleep it's like you need to press the remote 1x to wake up the canbus and then 3x to start the engine. 

The 3x lock to shut off engine after start with fortin system, I'm not sure if this is possible or correct so I'm not 100% this is a concern.

Is any of the above normal operation?


2014 A4 key port/push start EVO ALL key not programming

Hello!!! i purchaced the EVO RS system for my 2014 A4 key port/ push start. I plugged T-Harness to the key port, tapped into the CAN wires and Brake pedal sensor. I have the EVO ALL module programmed to stand alone function and the current Software on it is 60.10 - recommended. I am trying to programm my key, but when i get to the last step, i am not seeing the red and yellow light alternate. All i get is the red light flashing 3 times. Has any one had this issue? any suggestions? thank you!


Brake command not shutting off the vehicle

When I get into the car and less the brake, the vehicle stays running. I can also drive away without putting the key into the Keyport. 2009 Audi A4


Brake command not shutting off the vehicle

When I get into the car and less the brake, the vehicle stays running. I can also drive away without putting the key into the Keyport. 2009 Audi A4


Is there a difference in the T-Harness or wiring of a 2011 Q5 2.0L PTS vs Keyport

I'm looking to install a Fortin T-harness and Evo-One into a 2011 Audi Q5. The dealer told me that idata has different wiring diagrams for the Push to start with the keyport (key just has to be in the vehicle, but the keyport is a great place to keep it) and the standard keyport. Fortin only has one listed. I wanted to make sure the Fortin T-harness AuDT-1was correct, but I won't get the activation key to see until I get it so I can't check for myself. For information sake it is the 2.0 litre Turbo Direct Enjec-tion - gasoline - so the TDI can get confusing! (Turbo Diesel and I know how to spell but safe search is maybe getting a bit carried away!) Thanks to anyone that can help ! Lorne


EVO-ALL won't code after cluster removed


I have an Audi A3 2016 PTS that has an EVO-ALL V7 installed through a THAR-VW1 harness and it all woked seamless for months, with very minor glitces.

In while AC maitenance; namely the front door air actuator, I had to remove the imstruments cluster to have more room to work. It was a major pain, but I got it done.

Then I decided to check for a newer suggested firmware of my EVO-ALL and found v64.09, from v64.05 I was currently using.

The Cluster removal happened early in my project and only about 7 hours later the car was all reassembebled with some with some expected DTCs present, that were easily cleared to 0 DTC. When installed, the cluster was 100% operaciotnal, as everything else in the car - I only had to ajust it's clock .

But EVO-ALL was dead.

I came to the conclusion that the unit was not programmed any more in the car, so Idecided to try re-programming it all over again, but it keeps on failling on step 13: The LEDs keep flashing in 5x groups.

Installation manual used  with RLINK:

And this troubleeshooting guide says this is Cluster Protection Mode.

I don't see any issues or error message in he cluster, or in the infotaiment system.

I already left the car with the battery ON for 20+ minutes, but the issue persists.

I tried flashing back the version I had before, and also a master reset, but the 5x RED is always the final result.

How can I fix this situation??


Can I get a hand please?


Remote start not working after 2 days

Installed evo-audt1 stand alone add on with a t-harness on Audi A4 14. It worked for two days then stopped working. The car/key works fine. All three break lights illuminate. Connections were made correctly and very secure. What else can be done to troubleshoot? Should I just reset, decryption and program again?


Cant connect to the module

Installed the unit last year, it is working fine however I want to change a setting on the module. 

I've attempted to connect via flashlink MGR and it cant find the module. 
I've updated the firmware as advised in the software for the flashlink manager USB, now using v4.05 however still cant connect. It just shows retry detection? 

I have also tried bypass mode and that still doesnt work. 
When connecting there are no lights on the module. 


Dcryptor has reached it's limit - issues with EVO-ALL on Audi A3 2018

I'm troubleshooting my install on my Audi A3 and unfortunately i've reached my limit on Dcryptor for this car. C'mon. This is already frustrating and now I can't continue troubleshooting because i'm stone walled at the dcryptor step. SN: 001A07 125999 Please reset ASAP - now i'm sitting with no car until Monday and today is Saturday! So frustrating.


Dcryptor has reached it's limit - issues with EVO-ALL on Audi A3 2018

I'm troubleshooting my install on my Audi A3 and unfortunately i've reached my limit on Dcryptor for this car. C'mon. This is already frustrating and now I can't continue troubleshooting because i'm stone walled at the dcryptor step. SN: 001A07 125999 Please reset ASAP - now i'm sitting with no car until Monday and today is Saturday! So frustrating.


Q5 KeyPort Cable

Hello I am in the process of installing the a EVO-AUDT1 kit. However the keyport which the instructions say to remove the cable from the back of the keyport to attach the harness. Though there is zero slack in the cable even with the keyport free. How does one get any length in the factory wire cabling that is connected to the keyport in order to attach the fortin wire harness? From the attempts today there is no means the get the required length in the cable to complete the process. Pleae provide some quidance on this issue. Thanks


2014 Audi SQ5 problem with key programming

I am trying to get the Evo-All with the AUDT1 to work in my 2014 SQ5. The problem is during programing. I get to the point of all 3 lights flashing, then solid red, then I get flashing red every 1 second instead of red and yellow flashing. I put a new battery in the remote, and tried again. The second time, I got the red and yellow flashing, so I did the Decrypt. I was able to activate the Autostart with 3 lock butttons, but the car won't start without putting the key in the keyport. I get a red light, then a click and yellow light, then a red light. Then a red blink 3 times. The car doesn't start, so the 3 red is no tach signal, which makes sense. If I put the spare key in the keyport, then press 3 locks, the car starts right up. I think the decrypt didn't work. I tried a master reset, and retry configuration, but now I can't get the red and yellow again. I have tried 5 times, and can't get a key read off the keyport. iI have connected the t cable to the keyport, the brake cable, and the 2 canbus wires to the steering column can bus wires. When the EVO-ALL is trying to read the key, the car will show a Parking Brake Malfunction, the HVAC turns off and back on, then gives another Parking Brake Malfunction, then shows a red light, then a flashing red light. Not sure why the controller won't program correctly. Does anyone have any ideas?


Do I choose key port or TDI?

I don't know which one to choose on the Q5 the key port or the TDI? Also does the $99 remote start come with the T-harness need for install?



Hello, I have a manual trans Audi s4 2009 keyport Evo One , i have installed the T-harness - yellow line from 6 pin to the clutch bypass (red/blk) in engine bay as per pics, Canbus High and Low installed correctly and the Pink from the 6 pin to the purple/ yellow to convenient ignition out. I have the module programmed as per intructions and no error. when connect all the plugs and lock the car then try 3x lock to RS nothing happens. I see the module flash with a blue led at every lock and unlock but no ignition. Evo One S/N 002B04 013291 Thank you in advance! Stu.

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