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EVO-Chrt5 connected to Crimestopper RS7-G5 via DataLink

Already have a successful install of the Evo-Chrt5 (option C) and programmed oem key (3x lock)...vehicle starts fine. Now I'm integrating the Crimestopper RS7-G5 unit (via DataLink) and was wondering if there's any tested true and tried specific diagram-flowchart manual for these two units anywhere...or somebody on here can help point me towards the right path. Thank you for time and consideration in advance.


EVO-Chrt5 connected to Crimestopper RS7-G5 via DataLink

Already have a successful install of the Evo-Chrt5 (option C) and programmed oem key (3x lock)...vehicle starts fine. Now I'm integrating the Crimestopper RS7-G5 unit (via DataLink) and was wondering if there's any tested true and tried specific diagram-flowchart manual for these two units anywhere...or somebody on here can help point me towards the right path. Thank you for time and consideration in advance.


Can I get Datalink protocol and technical specs if I'm looking to develop an remote start interface device?

I'm working on a 2-way remote device that I'd like to pair with an EVO ONE for information and control. Would it be possible to get techical specs and protocol information? I own an EVO ONE I can use for testing purposes.


Can I get Datalink protocol and technical specs if I'm looking to develop an remote start interface device?

I'm working on a 2-way remote device that I'd like to pair with an EVO ONE for information and control. Would it be possible to get techical specs and protocol information? I own an EVO ONE I can use for testing purposes.


Been using this system for a while but it doenst work the way it should. Need more install solutions.

Bought this in 2013 i beleive. Came in with rs00 g4 starter. It doesnt start with 3x lock. I have to wake it by unlock(1x) then lock (1×). To lock it without starting it have to secuence this. Lock-unlock-lock, anoying. Sometimes not tone fast and starts. How is the proper way to connect this wires. Have connected the green wire on the starter to the lock in my car. I got all the kit from fortin. Even that the starter is crimestopper's, all the kit was sent from you as one system together. Need assistance in hooking it up prperly.


Been using this system for a while but it doenst work the way it should. Need more install solutions.

Bought this in 2013 i beleive. Came in with rs00 g4 starter. It doesnt start with 3x lock. I have to wake it by unlock(1x) then lock (1×). To lock it without starting it have to secuence this. Lock-unlock-lock, anoying. Sometimes not tone fast and starts. How is the proper way to connect this wires. Have connected the green wire on the starter to the lock in my car. I got all the kit from fortin. Even that the starter is crimestopper's, all the kit was sent from you as one system together. Need assistance in hooking it up prperly.


D2D, DEI and DBI protocols

By any chance can you provide a reference where I can find out more information about the data to data protocals D2D, DEI and DBI? Thanks


D2D, DEI and DBI protocols

By any chance can you provide a reference where I can find out more information about the data to data protocals D2D, DEI and DBI? Thanks


Can I use Pink Pin-20 Tachometer status on evo-all while using only 1-way D2D

I'm installing a Prostart CT-4211TW with the option set to Fortin D2D 1-way. As I don't have a flashlink updater, can I use Pink Pin-20 Tachometer status on evo-all along while using only 1-way D2D?


GMC timmerk (950Pts.)


Can the EVO-ALL use W2W and D2D at same time?

Can the EVO-ALL use W2W and D2D at same time?


Ground while running wire has a constant 12v reading

After installing a Prestige APS787E alarm w/ my Evo-All bypass module on my 2012 Nissan Rogue (Non-Push2Start), my lock, unlock & trunk buttone on the aftermarket keyfob work but the remote start doesn't work. I updated my Evo-All to the latest firmware & hardware available & flashed it to D2D protocol.

I also programmed the Prestige alarm using the install guide to get the Tach signal via D2D mode. But when I attempt to follow the "Tach rate progarmming" section of the manual, it is clear the alarm might not be getting a tach signal.

Is it possible to hardwire the tach signal to my alarm while using data mode w/ the Evo-All?

Secondly, I test the "ground while running" wire connection btw the Evo-all & Prestige alarm with a multimeter and I get a constant 12V even when trying to remote start. Is this normal? I thought it would/should give me a 0V or ground signal when I attempy to remote start the car.

Lastly, also just noticed that my Prestige key fob arms the aftermarket alarm but locking my doors w/ the OEM Nissan keyfob doesn't. Thus when I arm the car w/ the Prestige keyfob & unlock & open the doors w/ my Nissan key, the siren goes off. Is this normal? 

Thanks in advance


2014 grand caravan T harness

I installed a 2014 grand caravan with evo all T harness and compustar cm 800. after programming, I can lock and unlock. but I tried many times to learn tach but failed. I changed seting from tachless to tach in starter brain. connection I made are +12v parkling light and ground. ignition and +12v connected in harness according to the diagram. D2D mode. the light was correct when programming. I read cm800 install manual again. it says it support idata protocol. is that the means that cm800 doesn't support fortin 2 way d2d mode? it can tell evo all of door lock and unlock. but doesn't read foot brake and tach stauts?


2014 grand caravan T harness

I installed a 2014 grand caravan with evo all T harness and compustar cm 800. after programming, I can lock and unlock. but I tried many times to learn tach but failed. I changed seting from tachless to tach in starter brain. connection I made are +12v parkling light and ground. ignition and +12v connected in harness according to the diagram. D2D mode. the light was correct when programming. I read cm800 install manual again. it says it support idata protocol. is that the means that cm800 doesn't support fortin 2 way d2d mode? it can tell evo all of door lock and unlock. but doesn't read foot brake and tach stauts?