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The Remote Start Will Only Work If The Key Is In The Barrell

It is hit and miss starting this Auto Start remote starter. I took it in to get it looked at and th ...Read more


Key Fob and Cluster

2007 A4. The key fob and instrument cluster was not original. So the immo cause the vehicle not st ...Read more


Car attempts to start but does not crank

2015 Honda Accord coupe ex. It has been programmed correctly. Using a T-harness the Thar-one-hon3. ...Read more


Evo one with ftx64w 2way kits. Hyundai elantra 2009

Mine will crank and start only if oem key mounted. If not mounted will crank but won't start. Pleas ...Read more


No crank when using remote start or using the key to start car

I updated the Evo one module to the current firmware and went ahead and re program process,during r ...Read more


why doesn't evo one crank engine long enough

have evo one in a 2003 gmc yukon xl, have had the unit for a while with the drone module with no is ...Read more


Crank too long. How I can set down?

Crank too long. How I can set down? Evo all keep crank 2 second after engine start.


2014 Transit Connect short crank, not long enough to start

I've just installed an EVO ALL (EVO-FORT1) on my 2014 Transit Connect (US). Everything seems to be ...Read more


remote start will only work when key is next to barrel ?

toyota 2010 rav 4 evo one with out t harness basically the evo one is not emulating the tr ...Read more


2005 Honda Civic Cranks when brake is pressed after its already been remote started

Installed EVO-One with 2-way Fortin RF Kit on a 2005 Honda Civic as per the manual. Found that when ...Read more

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