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Dec. 29, 2023





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Subaru ReLyt (210Pts.)


2009 Subaru Manual unable to Lock/Unlock during remote start

Good evening, I am trying to get a 2009 Subaru Forester manual transmission functioning with an EVO-ONE and an Excaliber RF kit (listed under compatible remotes). Reference: https://fortin.ca/download/25141/Audiovox%20%20EVO-ONE.pdf First of all, the option for RFLF remote within Unit Options does not exist on any of the remote start firmware options (tried 0.44, 1.26, 1.16 and several others to check). I did attempt to pair the remotes and had mild success with the default RF kit setting. Lock and Unlock seem to work intermittently depending on the state of the vehicle, remote start does work with reserve mode for the manual transmission as long as a lock command is accepted to turn off the engine (configured option to keep engine running until door lock). Currently running remote start firmware 1.16, but had similar results with 1.26 and 0.44 as well. Primary issues: 1) Unable to use factory or Excaliber remotes to lock or unlock the vehicle after a remote start command was sent from Excaliber remotes (regardless if the vehicle was able to successfully remote start or not). What options exist to resolve this? What firmware should be used? Are there any option settings to adjust? 2) Flash limit was reached while trying to test different remote start firmware versions. Can this please be reset? (EVO-ONE, 04/2022, SN: 002B04 271047) Secondary issue: 3) Sometimes when a door is opened after an unlock command, the alarm is triggered and can only reset when unlock is pressed twice on the factory fob (not tested with Excaliber remotes). This was not tested thoroughly so I do not have clear steps to reproduce this case. It did seem to happen more often after any action was made relative to remote-starting (either attempting to enter reserve mode with engine running or after attempting remote-start).


FAQ ReLyt (210Pts.)


Is remote compatibility changing over time?

I notice there are several guides for various compatible remotes on the website - thank you for those detailed guides! However, reading through Q&A and looking through available firmware on FlashLink Manager, I notice there are several firmware options that people have had success with other remotes - 0.44 for OmegaLink, 0.50 "test drone", 0.83 SmartStart 2.0 (for DSM550), 0.96 "Test Firstech...", and some reports of 1.24 being used for compustar/idatastart while others saying iDatastart remotes are not supported. I understand things won't be perfect and am not expecting fully backed solutions by Fortin as there is competition, but are there any general guidelines for firmware/wiring options to attempt to make Evo-One work with other remotes? Any "generally universal" firmware, maybe some pinouts that need to change on the 4pin connections, or at least what to do to prevent damage? I am really looking forward to using Evo-One for manual transmission installs, but my customers have preferences on other remotes they've had in the past. Most prominent cases: Python, Viper, and iDatastart remotes Any insight is greatly appreciated! Cheers

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