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Antonio Mabazza

À rejoins en date due:

Dec. 1, 2019





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Fortin Evo One with THAR-ONE-HON3 not properly working anymore???

Please help. The Fortin Evo one that i purchased is not working properly anymore. All the button on valet key is working execpt the 3x lock command to remote start. It was used to be working but not anymore. I just have this module only a week. What i did i make a call from Fortin for support tech but after that the module is not working properly anymore. Are these module have an special access only for professional installer? Or maybe my the module is broken? But i doubt it cuz the ready mode is still properly working. I do have a video that is working to proved it and i know ived done the right procedure on installing for the safety of my family and others. Please Help.... SN 002B04 042049


Fortin Evo One reservation mode disabling?

Installed an Evo one with the Tharness on my 2015 Honda Civic SI Sedan push to start 6speed manual shifter. Its all properly working with the OEM 3x lock remote start. Next is programming the rf kit but no luck on getting it to get recognized by the module. Next a day i am able to get to work it. Lock unlock trunk but not the remote start. On the keyfob indicating stop when trying to command the remote start. Now the OEM key fob don't remote start either. Also having an 3x flashing on my light. Ived read the manual of module and is says 3x parking light flashes means Ready mode disabled. How to fix it? Please help... SN 002B04 042049


Rf kit compustar t9 will work with evo one

Trying to connect the rf kit compustar t9 on evo one Wondering if is compatible and the remote start and alarm will work

No results

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