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Which remote start for 2007 F150 with EVO-ALL?

I purchased an EVO-ALL to install in a 2007 Ford F-150 thinking that was the only device I needed. Now that I have it and I'm looking at the wiring diagram, I'm pretty sure I also need a separate remote start unit? Is there a device that I can use with the EVO-ALL I just bought, or do I need to give up and use a different EVO device? All I want to do is be able to remote start.


Fortin INSET Key Fob and Smart-Key Control Membrane

Can you PLEASE tell me what the Fortin INSET membrane is used for and how it works ? Is this so you do not have to carry your cars smart key, meanwhile the aftermarket remote "triggers" the smart key functions of the vehicle hidden in the dash with the main control module????? AS ALWAYS, THANK YOU.



For a ford edge 2012 SE. So far it's been working as expected but I do have planned modifications and plans. Please refer to the following questions below: 1.) Can the run timer be modified? Say i remote start it and if there's no interaction from driver within 10 mins, it'll turn off and keep the doors locked. 2.) OBD2 pinouts if I prefer to keep the oem obd2 connector 3.) it's currently press lock button 3x to remote start it, how do I make it lock unlock lock? Can I have both options or must be one or the other only?


Ford Adam G (130Pts.)


Remote stopped working, OEM 3x Lock to remote start still works, no light on antenna

I had my car serviced and now the FTX-64-2W remotes don't work. The lock/unlock and remote start all stopped working. When you press a button the remote flashes blue for a while and then 1 red flash. The light on the antenna module also doesn't come on at all anymore. ANT-FMH-2W. The factory ford key still locks/unlocks and when you press lock 3x the remote start still works. So I think the EVO-ONE is still talking to the car and the bypass and remote start is still working. Did the antenna module get fried? They replaced the windshield, could the antenna 4-wire cae be damaged? I checked this 4-wire cable and couldn't notice any damage. The car also had a dead battery when I got it back from service. 2013 Ford Mustang GT.


i have a 06' F150 and it doesn't give me the option to use my oem key. can anyone help

oem key option will not pop up when trying to flash my evo one for a 06' f150


Ford Gene B (130Pts.)


Differentiate between fob and door keypad on ford / lincoln

Is there an option I can activate to tell my Evo All to ignore the input from the door keypad? I would like the fob to be the only option when remote starting the car. Should this not be possible, is there anyway the system can be changed from starting with Lock being pressed three times to starting with Unlock, followed by two lock combination.


How to program tach on EVOFORT1 RS 2012 Ford Tarus

Installed EVOFORT1 RS on 2012 Ford Tarus with Keys. Car starts and runs 5 sec then starts again 5 sec and shuts off. From what ive found on searches it needs the tach programmed? I have tried the instructions where it says push the program button 5 times the the brake pedal but it is not working in my case. Is this even what needs to be done or another issue? What do I need to do to get my wifes remote start where it runs for the designated 15 min?


Where can I buy the Evo-Start2 antenna? Can you give me a link?

vehicle - 2013 mustang gt convertible (Manual Transmission), EVO-ONE install. Where can I buy the Evo-Start2 antenna? Can you give me a link?


3x Lock in a Non CAN-Bus Ford?

I want to use my OEM Key Fobs on an older 2003 Ford Excursion to remote start (Using Lock 3x or Lock-Unlock-Lock) Can the Fortin EVO-ONE be programmed like a CrimeStopper RS00-G5 so that the lock pulses trigger the remote start function?


Programming didnt work

Hey Ive wiring my evo all and programmed it one time, after this programming: The Car didnt start over 3 times Lock, but the ignittons turn on. After that i checked the wiring but i dont change anything . Since that point the ignition didnt start aggain, Ive reseted the evoall (master reset) and try to programm ist aggain. after i tried it to programming, in the manual at point eight i press and release the programming button. The red LED is solid and nothing happend, if i push the button aggain the red LED flash slow (1sek on 1 sek off) It is a 2014 Mustang with Standard keys Serial of the evo all is 001A07 217136


why can't I edit my evo all options

ok 2012 ford foucus issues with Flasher tool even unistalled and reinstalled either wisard or pro mode I can't well It won't let me .says at Flash limit .I pesonally think WTF we bought the device and the Flaser that gives yoiu acces I dont care if its 100x If why I cant is due to Fortin limit locking well someone needs to think that one real fast consumer affairs and I;m positive this isn,t part of the deal upon purchase . had no problem before wirh remote start edit options as I wanted to use the newly evo alarm to enable chirp and enable siren not horn .. and I would like to add one more comment the few times I have called Fortin tech suppport I sure can tell the level of service given to the stupid consumer installers why do I know this well guess a small world I have a friend whom is a pro install and listened in on his coverstion wow A DISCRACE


2012 ford fusion Module won't program

I just installed evo all for1 on a 2012 ford fusion . Connected can high/ can low, immobilizer, and ignition t harness. Flashed module, followed the program instructions and can't get it to program.


EVO ALL stand alone won't program to my 2019 Ford Explorer

2019 Ford Explorer Base key start, no hood pin, auto trans

I can get the CAN bus to program(I get the proper lights) Can bus voltages checked at 5 pin connector. 

key on.                                Key off

CAN 2 HIGH  2.76V.            2.08V

CAN 2 LOW.   2.24V.            2.08V

CAN 1 HIGH. 2.72V.             0V

CAN 1 LOW.   2.27V.             0V

Firmware is 71.49 as flash link suggests Toggle switch instead of hood pin has good, verified ground EVO ALL won't program my key information. I have gone through the steps prescribed(old method) with putting key in ignition, wait 6 seconds, then putting second key in for 3 seconds. Ignition comes on, but stays on. No blue LED flashing and have to unplug module to turn off. Also tried new method of folding the key in, and placing in front of the ignition, then pressing button on EVO ALL, but nothing happens. Blue and red LEDs stay lit. I am at my wits end. I have been searching all over this forum for the answer, but here I am asking the question. I am not sure which harness I have, but there is a t harness that goes to the ignition barrel, and the 4 CAN hi/lo wires that I stripped wrapped and spliced, and are on the correct wires behind the OBD2 connector. Car was bought new in 2019 with 2 factory keys..
