I notice there are several guides for various compatible remotes on the website - thank you for those detailed guides!
However, reading through Q&A and looking through available firmware on FlashLink Manager, I notice there are several firmware options that people have had success with other remotes - 0.44 for OmegaLink, 0.50 "test drone", 0.83 SmartStart 2.0 (for DSM550), 0.96 "Test Firstech...", and some reports of 1.24 being used for compustar/idatastart while others saying iDatastart remotes are not supported.
I understand things won't be perfect and am not expecting fully backed solutions by Fortin as there is competition, but are there any general guidelines for firmware/wiring options to attempt to make Evo-One work with other remotes? Any "generally universal" firmware, maybe some pinouts that need to change on the 4pin connections, or at least what to do to prevent damage? I am really looking forward to using Evo-One for manual transmission installs, but my customers have preferences on other remotes they've had in the past. Most prominent cases: Python, Viper, and iDatastart remotes
Any insight is greatly appreciated!