I have an automatic 2020 Toyota 86 (PTS) with an EVO-ONE installed. From my knowledge, we have all the wires tapped properly. We ran into a few issues with the immobilizer wire but I believe we got that part sorted out.
To confirm with the immobilizer wire, we cut the yellow immobilizer wire in half, tapped the light blue black and yellow red to the immobilizer wire that's connected to the ECU, and tapped the yellow green to the immobilizer wire that's connected to the other side of the car. Is this correct or should it be flipped? We're not able to aquire the immobilizer data for DCryptor but I think it's because it's not listed as supported on fortin's website, even though we go through the guide and finish with the Yellow and Red lights alternating on the EVO-ONE before attempting to use DCryptor. (Leaves us with a 'No data found' error).
Finally, we installed the antenna for the RFK411 remote and programmed it. When starting the car, it starts for about 2 seconds then turns off. Does anybody know what could be causing this issue?