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American Toaster

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Jun. 7, 2016





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EVO-ONE: car starts, then stops, hazard lights flash 3x, then starts, then stops finally

Hey everyone! I'm using an EVO-ONE with T-Harness for the 2020 Kia Sorento PTS. When I do the 3x lock, the car turns on, then stops after a few seconds, flashes the hazard lights 3x, then turns back on, then stops after a few seconds with no hazard lights flashing. Any help would be great, thanks!


2017 Kia Sedona PTS EVO-ONE: 3x lock starter issue

Video of Issue


I'm having an issue with my 3x lock remote start function after installation on my 2017 Kia Sedona Push-to-Start.  It attempts to start, but the starter keeping trying to turn for about 8 seconds straight, doesn't start successfully, and then the parking lights flash 3 times.  The car then locks, waits about 5 seconds, and goes through the same sequence a second time and gives the same 3x flashes on parking lights.


I don't know if the 3x parking light flashing error is considered before start or after start in this case, as they mean two different things.


Any idea what the issue is?  It almost sounds like the car's trying to start but either the spark plugs or the fuel line isn't feeding, which I'm guessing means that the immobilizer is still enabled.  I checked all the wire connections and they are good, so I'm not sure what the issue is.



Firmware: 76.39

C1 Status: Enabled

38.2 Status: Enabled

EVO-ONE Yellow Wire: Cut

Remote: OEM

Car Model: 2017 Kia Sedona PTS

Parking Light Error: 3x flashes after attempted start

Vehicle Miles: 3,500 (it's a new car)

Transmission: Automatic


Any help would be great, thanks!


The problem that i am still having is that the car is not starting when the lock button is pressed 3 times.

I have double and triple checked all of my wiring. I have went online and updated the module and set all the recommended settings. Then I programmed it into the vehicle and it did program. The blue light does flash whenever the buttons on the key fob are pressed. But the car is still not starting when the lock button on the key fob is pressed 3 times.


I can't get my EVO-ALL to get past step 4. The blue light never flashes.

I can't get my EVO-ALL to get past step 4 of programming. The blue light never flashes.


05 Altima install failed programming

I have installed my EVO-ALL according to the supplied information. During programming step 4 when the blue light should flash, all lights turn off. I have tripple checked the wiring and everything is in the correct location. I am using a Crimestopper Cool Start system and have recieved no useful information from their company and several failed attempts at contacting Fortin customer service. I would greatly appreciate any assistance with this issue.

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