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BMW G M (16320Pts.)


fortin int-bmw2

Is fortin int-bmw2 for sale anywhere?


Fortin INT-BMW2, can it be used on a 2009 BMW X6?

Hi can the fortin INT-bmw2 be used on a bmw 2009 x6 ? And if not what can be used to bypass the key for remote start as I have a crimestopper 3x lock oem remotes, remote start kit I am looking to install thanks


2009 Bmw e82 with factory push to start but requires inserted keyfob - is there a way to bypass this?

Makes sense if it can be remote started with a wrapped key that it can be started with PTS button without the key being inserted. What really makes me believe this should be possible is that INT-BMW2 states that push to start ignition and electronic ignition are available features. Combine this with EVO all and I wonder would keyless start be able to happen with the factory push to start button without inserting the keyfob. With this bmw, if you start it, take the keyfob out leave it out you can restart the car within a certain amout of time say about 10 seconds with the PTS button without reinserting the key. So the feature is somewhat there if the car was running in the precious few seconds. Maybe if paired with a proximity key unlocking feature it could unlock the car and make it startable with the button all the while leaving the key in your pocket. I believe that fortin do not sell keyless entry but do make it possible with other aftermarket systems to provide the keyless entry.


BMW G M (16320Pts.)


2008 bmw x5 diesel

Hello. Today came the 2008 BMW X5 diesel. I installed EVO-ONE (3X lock). With the OEM key, the engine starts. After 15 minutes the engine turns off. But, with an oem key the engine does not turn off. When I click on "lock", on the evo-one the blue LED flashes. What could be the reason?



Pouvez-vous me donné les informations pour brancher le LED PROGRAMMATION (témoins d'alarme qui est à l'intérieur du boitier en arrière au côté du bouton programmation),de façon à le brancher à l'extérieur du module EVO-ONE sur le LED situé au dessus de mon compteur RPM de la Mini Cooper 2009, merci à l'avance pour l'info... Note: S.V.P. ne pas me réécrire de faire installé (par un technicien qualifié est recommandé) parce que c'est moi qui leur explique comment faire, j'ai vraiment dépassé ce stade avec la formation que j'ai au court de c'est longue année d'expérience acquise! (La note est pour M.Mathieu Bertrand Collin). S'il n'a pas de responce pour corrigé ce petit problème je vais ouvrir l'appareil et me braché à l'intérieur du module EVO-ONE, oublier la garantie j'en n'ai pas besion.


BMW G M (16320Pts.)


Int bmw2 without evo-all

Can I implement remote start bmw using int-bmw2 and remote start (without evo-all),

if the RS will prepare for the necessary logic?


Votre system EVO-ONE et INT-BMW2 pour Mini Cooper 2009 Clubman(PushToStart)

C'est completements génial et super tous mes fonction fonctionne a mervielle et je suis très satisfait de votre produit si remarquable , je vais le sug gérer a bien des amis et autre propriétaire de Mini Cooper S R56 ou R55...Un Grand Merci a toutes l'équipes... A plus! (Désoler je n'ai pas trouver ou inserré les commentaires)


BMW G M (16320Pts.)


wires brake and can bmw x5

In pictures and instructions of "WIRECOLOR" do not match the colors of wires CAN and of wires brake...who to believe?


PDF de la pose du system démarrage/alarme EVO-ONE+INT-BWM2+RF-KITS(FIRSTECH)

Bonjour puis-je obtenir un documents PDF pour l'installation des kits EVO-ONE, INT-BMW2 et RF-KITS(FIRSTECH modèle SIMPLE), cela serait bien apprécier, je suis tecnicien en électronique de métier de plus de 30 ans déja et je ne voudrais pas brisé une de mais composante, je vais l'installé avec data link, j'ai déja inversé les câbles de la RF-2W7032-SH-CN avec le documents pdf guide 25121 et programer EVO-ONE version 78.07 avec le programme flashlink manager. il reste à trouver les options à programmé, merci de bien vouloir m'aidé à finalisé mon installation, j'attend de vos nouvelles.



peut-on installé le module INT_BMW2 avec le module EVO-ONE!


INT-BMW2 - Need a breakdown on how the brake wires function during remote start sequence.

I'm trying to solve the no start issue on a 2006 525xi using an EVO-ALL & INT-BMW2.

After checking my wiring several times, I feel I need to understand how the brake circuit on the INT-BMW2 module works before I can further troubleshoot.


In the image below, I highlighted the stock function of the factory brake wires.

A) What I need to know is a breakdown of what each of the 4 brake wires from the INT-BMW2 module are doing during the remote start sequence.


So something like this:

Ingnition on: Brake X &  Brake Y @ 12V.

Starter on (accessory off): Brake Y @ 12V, Brake Z @ 0V.

Engine running: Brake X & Brake Y....


B) Also, can I get the actual pin numbers & their corresponding colors for the 14-pin connector on the INT-BMW2? Just want to confirm all the wire colours are in their appropriate pin location.


2006 5 Series INT-BMW2 + EVO-ALL issues & wire colours

Car: 2006 525xi - Automatic
Using INT-BMW2 + EVO-ALL (firmware 4.18) + Viper 4806V (wire-to-wire)

Problem 1) INT-BMW lists the brake wire colors as shown below. My car has a Brown/Gray, but it does not have a Purple/White-or-Purple/Yellow.

Here's a photo of my brake switch harness: (colors from left to right) Blue/Orange, Brown/Gray, Brown/Black, Purple/Black.
Right now I'm guesing to use the Purple/Black in place of the Purple/White, is this correct?


Problem 2) When using the Viper remote, the car will Lock & factory alarm is armed, but on Unlock it will unlock and NOT disarm the factory alarm. Opening the door sets off the factory alarm...

I have hard-wired both of the following wires to the Viper unlock wire:


Also, for CAN wires, I'm using Yellow & Black as per this post:
I was not able to find the Green & Orange/Green in the DKP nor the BCM as per instructions.


La voiture s'arrete un fois sur deux quand j'appuis sur le frein.

Mon demarreur fonctionne bien. Quand je m'ntroduis dans mon vehicule, j'inserre ma cl


FAQ - Why an INT series module is required for remote-starter installations with an electronic ignition.

This vehicle is equipped with an electronic ignition and traditional key barrel wiring from the remote-starter will not function. An electronic ignition vehicle does not have the normally associated Ignition, Accessory and Starter wires for the remote-starter to connect to and control. An INT series interface module will automatically control the electronic ignition based on the Ignition, Accessory and Starter input signals received from the remote-starter. Furthermore, the INT series interface modules do not bypass the factory transponder, therefore and additional PATS bypass kit is required to complete the remote-starter installation.


bmw 7er series int bme

can install int-bmw on the bmw 7er series ?


Anyone know why 2009 Mini Cooper s will not shut off with int-bmw-2 installed

I installed a remote start , evo-all and the int-bmw-2 in my wife's 2009 Mini Cooper. Evo -all seams to have programmed. However the int-bmw-2 would not let the vehicle start for about the 1st 5 minutes after installed. Once it was started with the key in the slot and the button pushed, it would not turn off. I could remove the key from the slot and it would still run. I finally had to disconnect the int-bmw-2 ribbon cables and hook the ignition up direct to turn the car back off. Anyone have any ideas or could I have a bad int-bmw-2.


Which directions to use int-bmw2 or evo-all

I contacted support today to ask which directions to use for 2009 Mini Cooper , there are two differences, BMW says to hook the brake though the BMW unit and hook the rf loop through a white/red and white/blue wire on the evo-all. The evo-all says to hook the brake to the evo-all and to use the white two pin connector as the rf loop. I was told to use the BMW directions. I hope this is right the support tech told me to use 7971, that came up as the BMW directions. He was to busy talking over me when I tried to confirm this with him, no where on the BMW directions is 7971 listed and no where on the evo-all directions does it say to refer to the the BMW directions. Can you confirm that this is correct, the tech was kind of rude.

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