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Cannot lock/unlock doors from RFK441

Hi, I installed an Evo All with NIST1 to an Infiniti G35 2007 with PTS and an RFK441 kit. The car will remote start with the RFK441 remote, but I cannot get it to unlock or lock the doors. Any ideas what is going on or what I could check? I can see the lights on the Evo and RF Antenna light up when I press the lock and unlock buttons, and the Parker lights also light up as well. S/N of Evo: 001A07391493


Which wire outputs +12V to the brake switch during remote start? OMEVOALL Fortin - EVO-NIST1

07 Infiniti G35 Push to start. OMEVOALL unit Fortin - EVO-NIST1 T harness. Installed and programmed no problem. Remote start only works when someone presses on the brake pedal (Otherwise it just turn on the radio, gauges for a few seconds then off) I tried using both the RL-1 and RL-2 harness neither works. I bought preprogrammed unit. I dont know if there's a problem with the programming or i have a loose wire somewhere. At no point will my unit activate the brake lights. Which wire is supposed to simulate the brake being pressed? I can run another wire if I need to but I think something might be wrong with my unit. Thanks!!

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