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Immobilizer wire color and pin location do not match diagram downloaded from fortin website.


Does the car have to start

On the sl3 do I have to install a remote start to bypass the imobilizer....IE........does the car need remote start to start the car and self learn the imobilizer hence to get rid of the green light or do Ijust need the sl3 and that's all? Also it's not the factory key original key was stolen durribg k swap and lock smith said that it has to start first to take the key


Honda SL-3 will not program (led wont flash 10 times)

WE have an 06 honda odyssey and installed the RS1 remote start and followed the directions to install the SL3 bypass mod but when we help in the program button and hooked in the 2 wire harnesses as directed it doesnt flash. The red light is constant once we install the 3 pin connector and then we'll put in the other connector pretty quickly, release the button and put the key in the ignition in the on position the led mainly stays constant or it has flashed constantly non stop. Im at wits end..... we checked all conections and rechecked and rechecked the wireing diagrams to verify the correct connections. the van will crank but it just wont start. we have ignition. need help

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