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'09 nissan rouge, evo one, rf641w remote unlocks and locks, no response (blue light) for remote start

It will 3x factory remote start, the rf kit remotes program fine lock and not flash lights though and I get no response when pushing remote start button (no blue light on evo one) tried to program another antenna and remotes and they wouldn't program at all


Why do I need to give up a key for install.

Hello, I have been a long time customer of fortin and belive you guys make the best products, you are the only brand i use for bypasses. I was looking to install a remote start in a 2016 Nissan Rouge PTS and I saw that it required a key for install. Now I searched around on the internet and saw that idatalink doesnt require a key for install. Now I have never used their products but was just wondering what they do different that I dont have to give up a key, or if there was a way to tweak the evo all so i dont have to give up a key. Thanks

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