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Zack Pendleton

À rejoins en date due:

Sep. 17, 2016





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Mazda 6 2015 installation question!

I installed the Evo All into my girlfriend's 2015 Mazda 6 and I'm having some trouble. I used the guide for the one key programming and got it to program successfully, when I hit lock 3x the module red light comes on, followed by the yellow led, which stays on for a few seconds and then turns off, then the red. Then the red led comes on again, followed by the yellow, and then back off again. After this the red led flashes three times and then shuts back off. I have it hooked up with the T Harness, and everything that needs to be hard wires is hard wired per the T Harness guide. Can anyone tell me what I need to do to get this to work? It's acting like the module is trying to remote start the vehicle, but somewhere along the line the signal just gets cut off so the vehicle never actually cranks. Thanks for any help!


Evo One Won't Power On.

Last night I successfully installed the Evo One Module in my 2011 Nissan Frontier with the T harness. It would remote start and unlock/lock successfully. I then used the Flash Link Updater to change the 9.1 setting to ON, but it was already on so I saved and exited without changing anything. I plug it all back in, and unlock/lock works, but the emote start wouldn't. I gave up and tried again to solve the issue today. I couldn't enter bypass programming mode on the module or remote programming mode with the valet switch so I unplugged it, played with some settings on the FL2, and plugged it back into the vehicle. The yellow led stayed solid and nothing could be programmed so I unplugged it and changed the settings back on the FL2. Now I plugged it back in and no LEDs come on at all, I can't enter programming for bypass or anything. But the LED's do come on when I connect it to the FL2. Does anyone have any advice? None of my wiring connections have changed, juat settings on my flash link manager. I could really use some help. I have followed the guides exactly but have no idea what to do next.

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