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Please reset device, I have reached my Dcryptor limit


I have a hard time understanding the programing of the evo-start,

nissan versa 2008 manual, got the evo-one with 442 remote, all good, Trying to add the LTE module to my assembly, but cant figure the sequence properly,


evo start2 starts but no confirmation

Evo sart 2 no confirmation for any action taken ,Start door locks work but no confirmation. No battery voltage,no temp nothing on app. the only thing it says comande send.Door locks lock and unlocks when using the app to lock, Car starts locked or not locked. The unlock works fine no confirmation. Everything turned on on app only once had a confirmation only twice out of around 30 tries. cleared history nothing on app no more confirmation. confirmations on app setting are all on. 2009 nissan murano push start. oem remote 3 time lock works.


DCryptor Transfer Error

I have a Nissan Armada 2021. I have installed the unit SN: 001A07 679868 The unit programmed to the car correctly. All the lights lights flashed in the way the instructions say. when I come to the computer and go to DCryptor, after I click send data it says ERROR: transmission failed check usb connection. And then it says Receive Error. Does it every time not matter what I do. What can be done? Car now has a key system failure error.


Nissan Cube 2013

Hi could you please reset my evo-one serial number 002B04 700870 I have a yellow and red lights flashing when I connect the heavy wages connector. I have tried to resetting with the valet switch but still flashing. Any help will be appreciated. This module is brand new.


X trail 2024

Nissan X trail 2024 software is not on website, so I have 2 quetions 1- is nissan X trail 2024 is the same with rouge 2024 software? 2- is can be available soon? best regards


2011 Nissan Rogue - Auto headlights stay on

2011 Nissan Rogue w/ Intelli-Key EVO-ONE with T-Harnesses. When headlights are set to AUTO and a 3x Start is triggered the lights stay on after the remote start either times out or is manually stopped via the key fob or brake input. Door trigger wire (Dark Blue) doesn't seem to have any effect on this. I even tried to ground it out directly to see if it would turn the lights off. Anything else to try?


Nissan Los (130Pts.)


Activation number lost

I lost activation cord I was wondering if I can get it get another 1Nissan 2002Altima evokey


Dcryptor Limit Reset

Can you please reset the dcryptor on my EVO-ALL SN: 001A07 414611 thank you


Red and yellow light flashig alternately after bypass programming.

Evo One with THarn 5? Nissan Frontier 2016It is three harneses: Ignition main one, Immobilizer and OBDII generic. And also installation harnes with white connection.Flashed many times, tryed some options, it goes OK to the end, when i turn the key off red and yellow lights start flashing alternatly. Wires checked many times. Used instalation guide 79451. Evo One SN: 002B04696651. During programming at the step 8 i have flashing rapidly yellow light, but when i turn key into OFF position, red and yellow lights appear flashing alternately. NOW I AM NOT ABLE TO START THE CAR WITH ITS ORIGINAL KEYS.


Does the NISSAN NIST4 wiring harness require an RF-A2A adapter for a 942 remote kit?

It looks like the NIST4 harness is already rigged up for the Fortin remote kits based on the blue plug that is present? Or does it still require the RFa2A adapter cable to properly split the serial data?


Nissan Tu Le (470Pts.)


Why alarm went off after the remote start (3xlock)?

Do you know why the suv alarm went off after the remote started the vehicle?  Is there any option I forgot to select?  Setup as stand alone with 3x lock to start.  SN:  001a07 531903 2018 Nissan rogue sport 


Fortin Evo one flash

I cannot find the configuration button to chose Fortin 2 I think it was under H to set my remote start to be used by LinkR compatible for mobile app use any help on this topic



Bonjour, J'ai un démarreur model FTX 94 installé sur une Nissan Sentra 2021 manuelle avec bouton poussoir. Lorsque je descends temporairement du véhicule (par exemple pour la poste) si j'applique le frein à main, le moteur s'arrête automatiquement lorsque j'engage la première vitesse lorsque je veux repartir. Si je n'engage pas le frein à main, aucun problème. Quelle est la séquence que je dois faire pour pouvoir redémarrer sans que le moteur ne s'arrête lorsque je quitte temporairement le véhicule de façon sécuritaire (avec frein à main) ? Merci à l'avance et Bonne fin de journée


2022 Nissan Armada restarts on its own after 5 seconds after turning off!

The car starts fine now with the remote start. But after turning the car off using the button on the dash, the car restarts on it's own after about 5 seconds. Then will turn off and stay off after pushing the dash button again. And now I also have a key fob error on my screen.


Nissan Frontier factory fob 3x lock to start?

Is there a special process for enabling lock x3 to start for a Nissan frontier? It's offered by competing remote start vendors (probably using Fortin system). I found a guide for enabling via Link software 3x lock to start but the NIS5 guide does not mention it. If enabled via link app in the module, is that all that needs to be done alongside the wiring instructions? The module should have the inputs internally to work it out from what I can see in the diagram. It would be down to the module logic which I don't know the details of.


Nissan Tu Le (470Pts.)


what is the option to set for the car to locked and shutoff the parking lights after the remote start timeout (15mins).

Vehicle: 2018 Nissan Rogue Sport SN: 001a07 531903 Problem: remote start the vehicle (3x locks), car started with no issue. However if I don't make it to the car after 15mins, vehicle shutoff as expected, but the vehicle has unlock and parking light kept stay on and kill the battery. Is there setting on this unit to prevent this 2 issues. (locked after shutoff and turn off the parking light) Appreciated your help!!!


Dcryptor limit has been reached on this car. Can i have it reset?


Nissan Green (130Pts.)


Could this remote start make body control module failures?

I had this remote start since 2018, Last week I went to local nissan dealer for a extra key and key programming, after they attempted, the technician told me the body control module was failure because the after market fortin remote start, so I needed replace BCM, were they correct? And can I put remote start module back?


2016 Nissan Altima PCM humming sound and park lights staying on

Installed compustar alarm with remote start using a EVO-NIST4 and diagram75491, d2d cable being used. For some reason the PCM is humming and the park lights are on, what can be the issue? Do I change out the power wire fuse to a 1 amp since it comes with a 30 but I am not using those, just the D2D as the diagram says.


what's the best setup for a 2010 370z manual push button start

I'm looking for a remote start alarm with LTE functions for a 2010 370z


refus de demarrer

Bonjour, je possede un Altima 2009 Manuel. MA batteries est timber vide. apres une recharge complete , Mon vehicle ne demarre plus, et ne reconnais plus MA pedale d embrayage, malgre que j appuie dessus


Nissan Moike (580Pts.)


rf 442 programming guide for evo one

I've been trying to add rf442 to my nissan rogue , Once the atenna starts to flash I press the [+] button follow by the lock button, but the remote doesnt program. Am I pressing the wrong buttons? Thanks


2015 Titan horn chirp

I am trying to get the horn to chirp on remote start, as well as locking. 2015 Nissan Titan EVO-ONE Ser 002b04275287. I measured the orange/black for a -ve pulse, and do not see anything. Am I missing an option?



Bought from a ebay seller selling your stuff. I contacted them an they said plug and play so i bought. Well i got it hooked it up tried to program and i get yellow light on and turn key and the red light dont come on to program. I did hook it up to my computer with the flah device and programmed it and flashed it. Still nothing. Ebay seller has been giving me a run around saying its your problem not theres. I just need some troublshooring help toi get it to work. The ebay seller then told me i needed a rf so i got one of them from them and re flashed the device for it installed it back in and still does nothing. Whats best way to get help troublshooting

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