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2010 ford escape KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL

I'm installling the KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL with a DEI remote start. When I attempted to program prior, I would see the LED start flashing, but programming didn't complete. Now when I attempt to program, the LED on the module stays on and the security light on the dash flashes rapidly. I've confirmed I have 12V on Red, Ground on Black, Ignition on Yellow, and remote start staus on Blue. Is there anything else i should try on this module? The module was purchased new in December and hasn't been installed in another vehicle.


Why does my 2017 Ford C-Max Energi SE turn off seconds after successfully initiating a remote start?

I am currently utilizing the Evo One with my 2017 Ford C-Max Energi SE plug-in hybrid in conjunction with the T-Harness. I have checked wiring, factory reset and re-programmed the Evo one, and ensured the recomended bypass/remote starter settings are properly checked. If I had to guess, I would say that becasue my combustion engine does not start when the vehicle is started, until power is required, that the module considers it a false start and shuts down the vehicle. Any advice would be much appreicated. And since I'm here, when wiring the evo one into the horn, is the T-Harness(Orange/Black) wire spliced into the existing connection(Brown), or is the (Brown) horn wire being redirected through the module? The installation makes it clear that it appears that the connection is being redirected, but I wanted to be sure. Thank you!


F150 2021 the car didn't start

Hi i installed evo all for f150 2021 keyless I connected the wires and i did the programing everything good and i made decrypt but when i tried to start the car the car didn't start the module blink the lights for start engine but the car didn't start


Ford Ecosport 1.0L Titanium 2021 MY 2018 - Fortin EVO-FORT3

Hello, My vehicle is Ford Ecosport 1.0L Titanium 2021 MY 2018 - Push-to-Start I tried to program the Evo All with my car but the remote starter function did not work. Lock-Lock-Lock then the card horns twice and I saw the RED light then the YELLOW light turn on. Both lights stays but the car doesn't start. Any solution? Best regards,


Myford escape 2015 won't start/recognise original keys

I recently bought an evo all. I did the connection right using harness for1. I had issues with settings to remain, so I tried usingh decryptor as advice here. After I programmed, installed. Now m,y car won't statrt, recognised the keys. It didn't start even after removing the evo all and put the connections back. Please help


Will not remote start

Installed evo all I press lock 3 times blue light will flash each time then the red light flashes ignition doesn't turn on and vehicle doesn't crank 2009 f150


Evo-all 2009 ford escape - no blue-light after sitting for ~ 5 minutes - no start

Hello, Installation and programming went great. Verified firmware with the website info. Using Thar-For1 and flashlink manager for the install. Escape worked several times in a row with the remote start, but as soon as its left off to sit for a few minutes, the remote start doesn't work anymore. No blue light when the lock button is pressed. Unplugging the 4-PIN Data-link harness and plugging it back in allows the remote start to work, but after a few minutes off it stops responding again.


Do I need the FLASH LINK UPDATER in order to install the KEY-OVERRIDE-ALL bypass module on a 06 F150?

I have a CRIMESTOPPER SP-402 ALARM REMOTE START installed. The white 4 pin DATA LINK cable that is supposed to connect to the EVO port on the alarm remote start did not fit and so I cut the clip off of the black 4 pin DATA LINK connector that supposedly goes into the ADS port of the CRIMESTOPPER ALARM REMOTE START module and plugged it into the EVO port. The connector did fit and I made sure the wires went in the port correctly as in the alarm remote start diagram. Did the programming on the bypass module as intended and I didn't get no blinking, off and on light,but just a steady red light. The truck did not remote start.


2005 ford escape does not crank ?

I installed a EVO ONE with a RF 642w . Everything works locks,unlock,alarm.. When i went to actavate the remote start the parking light comes on as if its going to crank but does not ,parking light flashes 4 times then it try's to start again and fails to crank parking lights flash again 4 times . Then it stops . please help me


Red flashes 6 times but does not crake

Trying to install on a 2010 Ford Escape, I have an Evo All with THAR-FOR1 harness. I get through step 3 and start doing the first key and the red and yellow light blink then stay solid after the 3 seconds. I then do the second key but only the red light comes on as solid. I pushed the programming button and the red light flashes 6 times, the ignition process begins but doesnt crank or have blue lights flashing. The anti theft light keeps flashing on the dash. I tryed to take it out of valet mode like I read in another QA, but that didnt do anything. I tryed to reflash the moduel and change settings. I rechecked all of the wireing. The SN is 001A07041799


Remote start sometimes will not activate when the vehicle has been sitting for a while.

2019 Ford EcoSport. Sometimes, the remote start will not start the vehicle, usually when it has been sitting unused for a while (hours). It seems like the vehicle is in some kind of sleep mode and something needs to trigger it to come out of this mode before it will allow it to start. Remote start is Compustar CS1900-S and bypass module is EVO-FORT3.


hi my evo start 1 stop working

hi my evo start 1 stop working , when i use app and press lock/unlock or start button i can see green lights on antenna bling several time and then turn into orange but did not start car any thought for trouble shooting


2020 F150 auto start not working, lights just blink alternating yellow and red.

I have a 2020 Ford F150 std-key-with-keyless and cant get the auto start to work. I set the evo-all to blue for programming, then I plug in the bottom cable. Turn key to on, yelow red leds turn on then start to blink and alternate. After 20 seconds I turn key to off and disconnect it. i then take it to my laptop and program and flash it. Once thats done I connect it per the instructions but the problem is I never get the red yellow lights to go solid. They just keep alternating and blinking. Turning the key on nothing change or off all I get is red and yellow blinking lights. Heres a video I did of my issue. I set the start time to the issue mark but you can scan it all if needed. https://youtu.be/eNiUY9VVx-c?t=363 Thanks


2011 Ford F150 ignition turns on but does not crank. EVO-ALL flashes red 3 times.

Module flashed and programming work as expected. The ignition turns on but it won't crank. Unit flashes red 3 times. The remote start works immediately after programming, touching the brake shuts off the engine. However as soon as I use the key in the ignition the pressing lock 3x no longer works.


F-150 2011 Key Programming No Blue Led Flash

Hi all. I have an EVO ALL with the Ford1 T-harness that I'm trying to install into my 2011 F-150 standard key for remote start. I have followed all the instructions and when I get to releasing on red + blue like the instructions state the programming does not go as described. The instructions say after putting key 1 back in I should get 10 blue flashes and 10 red flashes. In my case the truck locks and unlocks and then I get 10 red flashes only, blue stays on. After this, all LEDs turn off and pressing lock 3 times only makes the blue led flash and nothing else, no start. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.


Evo FORT3 standalone 1 key with rfkit Fortin 642 not remote starting explorer PIU

Hello, installed EvoFort3 standalone RS with 1 key to 2016 Ford Explorer PIU that is prewired with hood pin switch with no actual hood switched. I jumped the wires at the connector. Installed the harness per the guide with all options on with the Fortin f642 2way kit. Car will lock unlock etc but with the remote start, it does not crank. After the 2 attempts the Red LED flashes 3 times. With the wires jumped it does not show that the hood is open. Do i need to get that changed at the dealer? Assistance greatly appreciated. walter


Red led flash 3x and no start. What am I missing?

2013 f150 evo-all installed with T-harness. The only conneciton i made myself was the keysense pruple/yellow on the t-harness to the yellow keysense on the 20pin connector. Programmed for lock-unlock-lock. Blue LED flickers when i hit lock or unlock. and then the red led flashes 3 times and doesnt start. No other response or light on my truck. It still started fine with regular key. I also tried using just 3x lock in case but same problem. What am I missing? I didnt make any other connections like the hood pin because it looks like they are optional. Thanks.


Red led flash 3x and no start. What am I missing?

2013 f150 evo-all installed with T-harness. The only conneciton i made myself was the keysense pruple/yellow on the t-harness to the yellow keysense on the 20pin connector. Programmed for lock-unlock-lock. Blue LED flickers when i hit lock or unlock. and then the red led flashes 3 times and doesnt start. No other response or light on my truck. It still started fine with regular key. I also tried using just 3x lock in case but same problem. What am I missing? I didnt make any other connections like the hood pin because it looks like they are optional. Thanks.


Remote start will not activate after vehicle has been parked for several hours.

I have a 2012 ford fusion with the EVO FORT1 installed. It has worked with minimal issues for the past year and a half. Over the course of the past 2 months, it has started to malfunction. After the vehicle has been parked for several hours (i.e. overnight), the module will not trigger with 3x lock presses. However, if a door to the vehicle is opened after the vehicle is unlocked, and then closed, and then a 3x lock press is administered, the vehicle starts. After sitting for only a few hours, the module will trigger most of the time. And regardless of how long the vehicle has been sitting, if a door is opened (activating the interior lights), and then closed, and the lock is pressed 3x, the vehicle starts. Any and all thoughts/troubleshooting is greatly appreciated.


2018 Ford F-150 STD key evoall not starting truck

Plugged in the Tharness correctly. When connecting the moduel I held down the small button on it while connecting the black power wire, and let go of it when the light was blue. Connected the white wire on the other side of the module. turned on truck to ignition on, waited for blue light to flicker for a bit then ignition off and key out. Tried the triple press on lock and nothing happens. Turn to ignition on again and the module is showing a yellow light.

Cant get the remote start to work


SN:001A07005461 Model:EVO-ALL



2018 Ford F150 Std Key Fort3 isnt remote starting car

Plugged in the Tharness correctly. When connecting the moduel I held down the small button on it while connecting the black power wire, and let go of it when the light was blue. Connected the white wire on the other side of the module. turned on truck to ignition on, waited for blue light to flicker for a bit then ignition off and key out. Tried the triple press on lock and nothing happens. Turn to ignition on again and the module is showing a yellow light. Cant get the remote start to work


2014 Ford edge Remote start works. Key start doesnt

Installed evoall with t harness, programmed and remote start works. However, if I try to use the KEY ONLY to start it won't. Nor will the car shutoff after ive remote started and inserted key. Remote start WILL ONLY shutoff using the lock unlock lock sequence.


2016 Fusion gives KEY PROGRAM FAILURE message

I have a 2016 Ford Fusion SE with standard key ignition. Trying to install a EVO-FORT2 in standalone RS mode. I have connected the 4 CAN wires per the diagram and double checked the connections (even soldered them to ensure thay are solid), also connected the 3 wires (lt blue, lt blue w/black, yellow) between the 2 harnesses (D & A connectors). When I go thru the key bypasss programming, everything works until I get to step 9. The car displays KEY PROGRAM FAILURE, and then NO KEY DETECTED. No Blue LED blinking.


2016 F150 XLT Std Key EVO-ALL w/ Fort3 Standalone Mode C1 & D1 Options Good--No Start

I am in the process of installing an EVO-ALL device with a Fort3 cable into a 2016 F150 XLT with standard key.

    The module programmed correctly. The hood is definitely closed. When attempting to remote start using a LOCK, UNLOCK, LOCK sequence the BLUE LED flashes once with each LOCK button press and twice with the UNLOCK button press. After the third (LOCK) button press the LEDs go through a flashing sequence that ends with a pause (no LEDs lit) followed by three quick flashes of the RED LED which I understand means NO TACH.

I verified that options C1 and D1 have been turned ON by doing the following:

    I grounded the A8 pin of the 20 pin connector.  The RED LED did NOT light so option D1 should be on. I momentarily grounded the A13 pin of the 20 pin connector.  The LEDs went through a flashing sequence very similar if not identical to the one that they go through when attempting a LOCK, UNLOCK, LOCK type remote start.  The flashing sequence ended with the same pause (no LEDs lit) followed by three flashes of the RED LED which I understand means NO TACH.


Any ideas?



Evo-Fort2 2018 Ford F-150 STX ignition power, no start

Programming successful except for final step. Vehicle power comes on but vehicle does not try to start. I see on the diagram there is a "rs6 in/out ignition +" coming from the yellow A1, I dont know where that wire goes besides to the T-harness. My vehicle seems to be activated by the Evo module, and won't allow key start once that occurs, and won't disable by pressing the brake. Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I did the can high and low taps at the odb, I have a factory hood switch, all light in the programming match instructions, until the point where it's supposed to turn on and then turn back off. Help!!

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