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Alexander Efimchenko

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Dec. 9, 2024





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EVO-ALL-RS-FV6 for Vw Tiguan 2011

Hi. I bought this EVO-ALL-RS-FV6 for 07-2010 Tiguan. I installed it. Firmware 75-41. Hardware 7. I installed the options. The first time when programming the key decryptor, I pressed and held the module button, the LED blinked, everything was correct, it saved the keys. I connected the module to the flasher and it transmitted the decrypt to the server, the server calculated and returned everything back and stitched it into the module. I disconnected the module from the flasher and connected it to the car according to the instructions. And nothing. The LED on the module is always red, does not react to anything. I tried to do a reset, according to the instructions, holding the button, connect the power supply and release it when it lights up red, then press and hold until the LED starts blinking, release the button and turn off the power .... nothing blinks, it just lights up red all the time. I tried to reflash the module with a flasher, it reflashed, now there is the 2nd entry out of 8. How to revive the module? With best regards


FAQ: How do I reset my EVO-ALL?

The master reset is very simple on the EVO-ALL, but be warned that a reset will also reset all the options back to default if Settings Protection was not enabled. So if you have any special options enabled (such as the all famous D1 and C1 for 3x lock start), or if the vehicle programming requires the use of the DCryptor, make sure that you have access to the Flash-Link Manager!

So here it is...

    Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector. Let go of button when LED is RED. Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate. Disconnect unit, it is now reset.

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