Car is a 2016 Mitsubishi Outlander GT 3.0 PTS.
Everything was installed as per the instructions (EVO-ONE) and the software was updated as reccomended. The OEM key turns on the car without any problems.
When adding the EVO-START2, I realized that the BLACK 4-PIN CONNECTOR was not included with the EVO-START2 packaging. Before ordering the proper cable, I was wondering which connection (1. high powered, 2. low powered RF2A, 3. low powered with THarness) model I need to do with my car (as per the EVO-START2 installation guide).
I searched and saw that you don't sell a Mitsubishi Outlander THarness of any kind... so connections 1 and 3 seems out of the question, but I wanted to double check before ordering the RFA2A connector for connection 2.