Nissan sentra nismo pts 2017 programmed fine, manual sequence also works fine. Probem is when remote started car shutsdownn 3sec after cranking. Checked data with testone, brake tach and door trigger is fine...but i notice that handbrake light(on testone) shuts off a fraction of a second 3 sec after started. tried firmware 72.29 also tried 72.28. if i put the remote starter in automatic it always works fine ( but handbrake light also shuts off but starter does not mind in automatic if handbrake is on or off)so that is way i think its either handbrake or door input in data that is lost. any info on this? oh yes im using Thar niss1. I also have the 12v and gnd on the evo-one remote side connected( big harness 6pin plug)