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Remote start of the 2023 Outlander

The start-stop button is given a minus twice, with an interval of 3-4 seconds. We have to move the instrument panel frame to get to the button connector. There was a whitish line. I fitted a 12-ring loop to the rear cylinder of the start-stop button. I removed the battery from the key and attached a 2 cm diameter 12-ring loop to the logo. I cut the gray wire on the brake connector with the relay contacts and gave a plus to the light blue wire. To turn off the engine, it takes 3-4 seconds to give a minus to the start-stop button, and then a minus impulse to the door button... Behind the kick panel there was a light blue wire. The door lock-unlock lines were also there...purple and beige.



Hello. 2023 Outlander (Euro) does not have a standard remote start. Is there another option for remote start?

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