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Battery Drain day after install Subaru Forester 2022

Installed Evo-One on Subaru Forester 2022 PTS (US) with THAR-ONE-SUB2 T-Harness and Linkr-LT2. Battery keeps draining with fortin connected. T-Harness was a simple installation with 2 connectors behind cluster on the Keyless access ECU. All recommended setting selected. It seems the car is not going to sleep. Any idea to solve this problem?


2014 Nissan Rogue EVO-ALL Parasitic Drain

I installed and programmed an EVO-NIST3 on a 2014 Nissan Rogue SL.

The remote start functionality works on the car, and it doesn't bring up any errors, but after installing the system, the car battery keeps going dead within hours.

A parasitic draw test reveled the EVO to be the culprit, adding 600-750mA of load on the battery even after the car has been sitting for 15-20 minutes, locked with all doors closed.

The problem seemed to be fixed after unplugging each harness connector from the BCM and replugging them, as the current was reduced to under 50mA total, and the battery survived nearly 8 hours without losing charge, but the next morning the battery was dead, and after charging, the battery had a parasitic load of nearly 800mA (again confirmed to be mostly from the EVO)


2014 Nissan Rogue EVO-ALL Parasitic Drain

I installed and programmed an EVO-NIST3 on a 2014 Nissan Rogue SL.

The remote start functionality works on the car, and it doesn't bring up any errors, but after installing the system, the car battery keeps going dead within hours.

A parasitic draw test reveled the EVO to be the culprit, adding 600-750mA of load on the battery even after the car has been sitting for 15-20 minutes, locked with all doors closed.

The problem seemed to be fixed after unplugging each harness connector from the BCM and replugging them, as the current was reduced to under 50mA total, and the battery survived nearly 8 hours without losing charge, but the next morning the battery was dead, and after charging, the battery had a parasitic load of nearly 800mA (again confirmed to be mostly from the EVO)


FTX64-2W Rremote batteries failing after a few weeks

Hello, I have a 2011 Toyota Coralla (G-key) with a FORTIN EVO-ALL (Dealer Install). Stating with the origanl batteries, these remotes seem to drain their batteries within a few weeks. I have been trough 6 pairs of batteries with both remotes. I was told me that these types of remotes have had problems and FORTIN reccomends swapping them for "R9" or "R10" remotes. The dealer claims no knowlede have this? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.


this is for a 2008 nissan frontier

i installed the remote starter bout 2 weeks ago today the battery was dead something is causing the battery to drain this is the RS1+EVO ALL (NIS3.b) starter one wire i wasn't sure where it went is the orange/black wire from the 12 pin plug it says to connect to a red/white to gray oem alarm dissarm wire but i dont see that wire why it says to gray i dont understand i need some help with this i think it might be the issue anybody know thanks.

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