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Please reset device, I have reached my Dcryptor limit

Please reset my dcryptor limit. S/N: 001A07 029118


Hello dear Fortin. Can I use the EVO start application outside of USA and Canada? Thanks in advance.

I have evo-one installed and both of my remote controls are broken. Can I use the EVO application outside of USA and Canada? I would like to order spare remote control keys as well. Which model you recommend? Thanks in advance.


Unable to Connect Module to Flashlink Updater

In Flashlink Manager, I am able to connect the Flashlink Updater (red LED on device solid and status shows "Connected"), but when I plug the Updater into my EVO-ONE the module will not connect to the Updater. Using Flashlink Manager v4.62, and Flashlink Updater has firmware v4.08.


lnkr Lt3 with evo one and evo all

hello , i'm having issue trying to get the newest smart start " linkr lt3 " to work with " evo-one and evo all " units , but the older linkr lt1 work perfectly , is there anything else i need to do to get the Linkr Lt3 to work?


i am unable to program my module. i have been trying for hours. are the servers down? When will they be back up?

it keeps telling me the " requested firmware is not available" try again later. it's been 5 hours. the customers wants to pick up there car. what do I tell them? should I use a different brand?


FAQ cgoodman (130Pts.)


Processing Update in DCryptor for over 4 hours now... Anyone else having this issue? How to resolve?


FAQ cgoodman (130Pts.)


Processing Update in DCryptor for over 4 hours now... Anyone else having this issue? How to resolve?


FAQ majix (130Pts.)



Would you please reset DCRYPTOR's limit for my EVO-ONE? - Thanks SN: 002B04 142189


I am in step 1.evo-one hyundai Tucson 2020

I really need help! I connect the module while pressing th button and only get a red ligh no blie no other light ko blinking. it has been a week trying to solve bit no answer and the instrucctions are soooo confussing. Can somebody PLEASE help me!


Vehicles not remote starting

So i sussfully connected the evo all to my vw jetta 2012. When I press the unlock and lock buttons the blue led pops up. But it doesn't remote start it. What's the issue?


2024 Nissan Sentra manual transmission, suddenly can't put starter in ready mode

I had an EVO-START LTE system installed by a reputable local installer at the end of October. The system has been working well, other than having to take it back once to get a setting changed so the doors wouldn't stay open after arming the starter. It is getting pretty cold here in Saskatchewan, but everything was working as expected up until yesterday. This morning when I came to work the car would not go into ready mode using the normal arming procedure and it won't respond to any lock or unlock commands from the app. I have also noticed that the GPS tracking is not working as it was previously, and is only updating periodically and not logging any trip info today. When I got to work, for example, it still said that my car was in my garage and the location had not updated in something like an hour. I have tried numerous times to get the system to go into ready mode and nothing is happening. Normally when I engage the brake and parking brake at the same time I can hear some clicks, the locks cycle, and I can arm the starter by locking the doors once I am out of the car. Now nothing is happening. I contacted the installer and they want me to bring the car in and leave it there all day for them to check it out. He has suggested that the battery voltage dropped too low the last time it remote started and it messed up the software / programming somehow. While it did get very cold last night, the car is brand new and I kind of doubt that the voltage is dropping very low. Any assistance is appreciated. Keep in mind that I do not have access to a flash programmer, as I did not personally install the unit. I would just like to get as much information as possible and ensure that there is not something wrong with my system, as it is only a few months old.


Can i get a key reset my vehicle lemit has been exceeded



Dcryptor limit has been reached EVO-ONE SN:002B04 671964. When connecting via Flash Link 4, there is a failure and then it reconnects again.


where I can find an older version of FlashLink Updater / Manager ? v3 or v2

where I can find an older version of FlashLink Updater / Manager ? v3 or v2? Please advise Thanks


Can I read the current settings from my EVO One?

Good day. I'm replacing the Evo One in my car, and I'm not sure how it's currently configured (THAR or not, configured options, etc). Can I read the settings on my old Evo One so I can apply them to the new one as a starting point? I have the FLASHLINK unit already. Thanks!


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


EVO Start LTE what Evo RF kits will work together

Hello people: What EVO RF kit can be combined with EVO Start LTE on an ALL or ONE unit with no issues in the operation in both APP and remote. Thanks,


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


EVO Start LTE what Evo RF kits will work together

Hello people: What EVO RF kit can be combined with EVO Start LTE on an ALL or ONE unit with no issues in the operation in both APP and remote. Thanks,


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


EVO Start LTE what Evo RF kits will work together

Hello people: What EVO RF kit can be combined with EVO Start LTE on an ALL or ONE unit with no issues in the operation in both APP and remote. Thanks,


Flash limit

Hi! Could you please reset flash limit sn 001A06 520354. Lost keys of car, make new keys, now we need flash module. Thanks


Getting the Evo start app to use km instead of miles

Hi, Is there a way to change the settings in the EVO app (for android phones) to use KM instead miles? I can't seem to figure out how to get the mileage display changed to use KM (in Canada) Thanks


FAQ G M (16320Pts.)


Start-x remote start

Hello. Start-x like evo-all?


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


With EVO Start LTE how do I add more users?

Hello Everone In the info of the EVO Start LTE it mentions you can have multi users and only one owner. On the owner phone we found under settings/shared User Management you have Vehicle name, Authorized name, Authorized Users Email, the start date, the end date and a button that says Permit. We have tried it numerous times and nothing are you supposed to receive an email or do you sign in with your newly created account with the same info setup in Shared User Management on the second phone with the same app and do what? Thanks for the help Guys


Flash link 4 sn# 002504061140 gets unknown module error.

I tried 2 computers uninstalled and reinstalled drivers and software. The flash link 4 worked fine prior to this. The led are lit properly shows connected at the bottom


is it possible to upgrade EVO Start from Otodata

I live in New Brunswick half the year and I am unable to use the EVO Start APP for my car when here, when I am in Quebec it's not an issue.


FAQ Chitos (450Pts.)


Has anyone used the EVO ES installer App

Has anyone used the EVO ES installer App How dose it work, and will it work with EVO Start LTE. Thanks People

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