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Tywan James

À rejoins en date due:

Jun. 3, 2016





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Evo start Lte not working

Need some help. Bought Evo start. Programmed it correctly I'm sure as the blue light is solid. If I remote start or unlock/lock the doors with my fob it shows on the app. But I can't get the app itself to remote start, unlock or lock the doors. It will say it was successful but it wasn't. I'm lost. SN: 81043369783


How do I add a siren to the Evo One on a G37?

The Evo One doesn't activate the horn when the alarm goes off on a G37.  The lights just blink.  So how do I add a siren?


One in G37

I got the One installed in my 2012 G37 but I only got it to work one time.  The time I did the doors unlocked and didn't lock after it started so I took it out to check my settings and I can't get it to work again.  Can someone check my settings and make sure everything is right?  And on page 4 of the install guide it shows the green and white wires with scissors inbetween the purple and purple/white wires and it says "cut".  What exactly does that mean?  And are there supposed to be any lights on on the One with the car off because mine doesn't have any on with the car off?   S/N 002B04049461  Thanks


3x to start

Everything was working fine until i updated the firmware. Now 3x to start doesn't work. I can stilll start the car with my phone though. Can y'all double check my settings please? Thanks



I have the evo-all with THAR-NIS1 installed in my 2012 G37.  Everything works but there's no 2 way with my directed smartstart; status, diagnostic, ect.  I see now that the evo-one comes with THAR-NIS1 and it cost more.  What's the difference?  If i switched over would i be able to do 2 way?  Would it be as simple as unplugging the evo-all and plugging in the evo-one?  Thanks  


What is recommended wire splicing method?

Hi all! I'd like to know recommended wire splicing method. I'm electrician and just got Evo-All and Flash-link plus separate remote starter to go into my wife's 2010 RAV4 (it has a dot on the key so no Evo-One for me...) Is soldering the best way? And then heat shrink? Or there is a better way? Thanks!!!


Evo-one plus DroneMobile, OEM Fob, and Remote Start Options

Evo-One is working as intended with the OEM fob and the latest firmware. To use the Drone module, I understand the firmware needs to be rolled-back to 0.50. Doing so removes all of the options I had with the latest firmware (eg using lock, unlock, lock instead of 3x lock). By rolling-back to 0.50, do you lose the ability to customize these options and will the OEM fob continue to work as it used to?


2 way lcd remote

Does anyone know of any 2 way remotes that have a lcd display that works with the evo-all? I looked at that compatible rf kit page but it doesn't have pics. Thanks


GMC timmerk (950Pts.)


Delay in starting?

I read that there is a delay in starting with the EVO-ONE and EVO-ALL because they are programmed for diesel engines, as well. Is this true? If so, can this delay be turned on? I want the ignition and start circuits energized the second the unit receives the start input.


What does E2 Run status mean in the flashlink manager?

That was the only setting not explained in the online instruction manual

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