Car: Mazda CX-5 2016 auto w/ push to start
Parts Used: Evo-ALL with THAR-Maz1 hardness
Guide Used: 62951
Wires hooked up:
Parking Lights- Yellow/Red, Yellow/Blue, Yellow/Green
Connector A into Connector C, and Connector B plugged into Plug 1.
Data Door Lock- Lt. Blue to Green/Orange
Data Key- Lt Blue/Black to Black/White
Yellow- Nothing NO RF KIT USED
White and Black plugs on end of 4-wire Data plug- nothing (NO RF KIT USED)
(-) Lock, (-)Unlock, Start/Stop External- None hooked up, USING OEM KEYS TO START.
No Hood Pin installed, Hood Pin Wire connected to Black Wire (Pin 7) in Fuse box 12 Pin Connector ONLY.
I went through all the programming exactly as stated in the Guide, every light that was supposed to come on or turn off did exactly as told. De-Cryptor worked and was verifeid by a Tech Support to have worked. CAN Programming also went exactly as it should all the way until it flashed blue rapidly, and I turned off the ignition and the light turned off.
When I press any button on the remotes the EVO-ALL flashed the blue light. When I do the sequence (Lock, Unlock, Lock) The Red Light will turn on, then the yellow light will also turn on. Both are on steady and you can hear the EVO make a noise about 6-7 times. Then all the lights turn off, and about 4 seconds later it repeats the same pattern.
Please help me to figure out what is not going to plan. Suggestions I have are:
Should the Hood Pin wire be grounded to both the black wire (pin 7 on 12 Pin connector) and also in the Pin 11 slot, in the 18 pin connector? Or is just the black wire good?
Also, I am not sure what the 10 amp fuse that is listed as a required part is for. Did I miss some step where I should be installing that 10 amp fuse somewhere?
Thanks for your help.