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Brake pedal required

Installed the EVO-VWT3 kit in a 2012 Beetle Turbo PZEV standard key. Everything is working up until the vehicle attempts to start. The cluster is displaying that the brake pedal needs to be depressed. I cannot find any information for this specific issue. Using the guide for the PTS beetle, I installed a jump wire between the yellow/red wire to the black/red wire on the BCM connector. This allows the brake lights to come on, but now they stay on the entire time.


Brake pedal required

Installed the EVO-VWT3 kit in a 2012 Beetle Turbo PZEV standard key. Everything is working up until the vehicle attempts to start. The cluster is displaying that the brake pedal needs to be depressed. I cannot find any information for this specific issue. Using the guide for the PTS beetle, I installed a jump wire between the yellow/red wire to the black/red wire on the BCM connector. This allows the brake lights to come on, but now they stay on the entire time.


2011 VW Jetta S - EVO-VWT3 Temperature options?

    Will the EVO-VWT3 or the EVO-ONE activate electric defroster based on temperature in a 2011 VW Jetta S standard key? If not, do you offer a product that does? (defrost is the entire reason I'm installing a remote starter). Does the 2011 VW Jetta S standard key support rear defrost control through the vehicle's CAN-Bus? 


Who makes a cellular adapter with coverage in the US that will work with the EVO-VWT3

Have the EVO-VWT3 installed and working in my jetta and I am looking for a cellular adapter so I can start my car with my phone

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