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Hyundai Elantra 2016 Evo-One with Standard Key PATS

Canadian version with the immobilizer and harness THAR-ONE-KHY2

Firmware updated to latest.

Programing process completes. Yellow LED method

Question I have is....

I'm not clear with what the manual means by cutting.

A20/D4 and A10/D6 from the blue PATS ~ wire....

A10, D6 and the blue PATS ~ is tapped into the blue PATS ~

A20 to D4 is connected together...

Did the manual mean I have to use A10/D6 from the blue PATS ~ wire by breaking the connection of the blue wire from the connector

side then connecting it back to the blue PATS ~ using A20/D4 back to the blue PATS~ ?

Is this what I am supposed to do?


Do I need to use an evo all for a 2014 Kia Forte key ignition

Just looking for an answer than can save me some time for the next weekend, I have a 2014 Kia Forte key ignition to do on saturday and I want to know if anyone knows if the key has a chip in it. Ive done many kia's without chipped keys and all they needed was a regular remote start installed, I hope that this will be the case for me. I know if the PATS wire is absent than there is no need to really need a module because thats the wire that would councide with a chipped key and I know i would have to hardwire the required connections. So basically, can anyone verfy whether this car will have a chip key or not, thank you.


Transit Programming w/o PATS

My 2017 Transit has no PATS installed so no key programming is necessary (or possible) and there is nothing to plug the immobilizer connector into. The instructions included with my EVO-ALL and FOR4 harness do not address this situation. My dealer (Lessco) will not answer any questions. If I simply leave the 4-pin plug disconnected, can I still "progam" the EVO?? If so, how?

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