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Ford Munito (1680Pts.)


2014 Ford Fusion HVAC doesn't turn on.

Hi there! I have already installed an evo one in a 2014 ford fusion, but the HVAC does not work. When the car is started by remote, only the blower starts working but it does not heat up. The HVAC only heats up when you insert the key and turn it to ignition. I have been reading some articles related to this topic and it is that the 2013 and 2014 Ford Fusions need a reprogramming so that the HVAC works with the aftermarket remote starters. Here is the information and the vin number of the car. Can you help me with a solution? Thanks in advance. 3FA6POG74ER381308


Ford smrick2 (190Pts.)


Why does it only honk now when I remote start

Installed evo all with my car telematics with 944 rf kit and has worked beautifully since 2019 with the occasional horn honking when I remote start but I had to remove module and wiring from dash for some audio upgrades now all it does is honk the horn when I try to remote start. Does not try to crank everything powers up as it should then nothing. Thats on first attempt 2nd attempt does even do that. I have since go in and tried to reprogram module as t


Ford smrick2 (190Pts.)


Why does it only honk now when I remote start

Installed evo all with my car telematics with 944 rf kit and has worked beautifully since 2019 with the occasional horn honking when I remote start but I had to remove module and wiring from dash for some audio upgrades now all it does is honk the horn when I try to remote start. Does not try to crank everything powers up as it should then nothing. Thats on first attempt 2nd attempt does even do that. I have since go in and tried to reprogram module as t


Can you help program my 2014 Ford Fusion with fort3 t-harness?

2014 Ford Fusion with evo-all and fort3 t-harness wont program as standalone. I turn the key to the on/run position and the light just stays solid blue and never flashes.


Lock and unlock do not work

Just installed an evo-all with autostart command start. vehicle is a 2014 ford focus regular key with lock/unlock button on center console. programed bypass correctly with pressing brake peddle while blue light is flashing rapidly but still dont have lock and unlock functions. sn # 001a07174443


All 3 LEDs on EVO-FORT4 with first key in

2014 Ford Flex Std. Key w/EVO-FORT4 Soon as the fist key is inserted all 3 LED's stay lit solid...even all through 2nd key and back to the 1st key during programming. Vehicle can be put in 3rd key programming mode without module installed (door locks will cycle). Key sense wire is good, ignition chime comes on when key is inserted. Tried programming also without red plug plugged into the module. And checked with tech support using SN to make sure the module was programmed correctly. ?? Thank you.


Evo-all 2014 Ford Focus. Lights and dash turn on. No start.

Put in T harness and finished programming portion for stand alone key. Pressed lock 3x to start and dash lights up, radio turns on, then everything shuts off. Engine does not start. Firmware 71.52. Something im missing?


T9 not programming though Ft-D100 with EVO-ALL

I have a EVO-ALL installed in a 2014 ford focus hatchback with a key start, and i'm trying to add a compustar T9 rf kit to it. I have installed the FT-D100 (switching the blue and white wire before pluging into the unit) to go between the two and flashed the correct firmware for the unit. When I replug the 4 pin connector and go into the programing mode the lights do not flash. I do get all lights on when in the programing mode but it does not seem to see the remotes.


2014 Ford edge Remote start works. Key start doesnt

Installed evoall with t harness, programmed and remote start works. However, if I try to use the KEY ONLY to start it won't. Nor will the car shutoff after ive remote started and inserted key. Remote start WILL ONLY shutoff using the lock unlock lock sequence.


T9 not programming though Ft-D100 with EVO-ALL

I have a EVO-ALL installed in a 2014 ford focus hatchback with a key start, and i'm trying to add a compustar T9 rf kit to it. I have installed the FT-D100 (switching the blue and white wire before pluging into the unit) to go between the two and flashed the correct firmware for the unit. When I replug the 4 pin connector and go into the programing mode the lights do not flash. I do get all lights on when in the programing mode but it does not seem to see the remotes.


2014 ford f150 xlt door unlock and lock does not work

Hello I had a evo all installed on my truck for a while now and i wanted to add a RF kit. purchased a 642w and installed it . The factory key fob worlks as expected(unlock,lock and 3Xlock for start). The 642w does only the remote start. The lock/unlock does not do anything.


2014 ford f150 xlt door unlock and lock does not work

Hello I had a evo all installed on my truck for a while now and i wanted to add a RF kit. purchased a 642w and installed it . The factory key fob worlks as expected(unlock,lock and 3Xlock for start). The 642w does only the remote start. The lock/unlock does not do anything.


T9 not programming though Ft-D100 with EVO-ALL

I have a EVO-ALL installed in a 2014 ford focus hatchback with a key start, and i'm trying to add a compustar T9 rf kit to it. I have installed the FT-D100 (switching the blue and white wire before pluging into the unit) to go between the two and flashed the correct firmware for the unit. When I replug the 4 pin connector and go into the programing mode the lights do not flash. I do get all lights on when in the programing mode but it does not seem to see the remotes.


Which wire do I hook up to the Horn Wire on 2014 Ford F250?

I have a 2014 Ford F250 the Photos on the Installation shows to hook up the Horn wire #153 but which wire do I hook it up to on the Evo all with T Harness. On the ford oem remote when I push Lock 1x it locks doors, when I push Lock 2x it beeps and when I push Lock 3X it beeps twice and then starts I am wondering if by hooking up the horn wire will it stop the horn beeps prior to starting vehicle


2014 Ford F-150 ignitions turns on no start?

I hooked up the device and shown in the YouTube video. Keys have been programmed. Devices turns on the ignition I hear the fuel pump turn on but no start? Dash says system start fault. Any ideas? Bought the device preprogrammed


2014 Ford Edge (key start) Evo-All no remote start but does program

Installing the Evo-All (Service #001A06 770324) w/ t-harness in a 2014 Ford Edge with in dash key start. I have made all the connections and rechecked the can bus high and low connections. I made sure with a multi-meter through the OBD2 connector to the connector on the Evo-All that they have connection. I have programed the unit, everything has gone as planned. When I push the lock button the blue light flashes on the Evo-All and the horn honks on the second and third button push but the car does not start. The ignition does not come on. After contacting Fortin they had me connect the dark blue wire (A8) from the 20 pin connector to ground and the red light did not come on. Then I connected the yellow/black(A13) to ground and the car does not start. I first contacted My Push Cart with my issues, the first Evo-All was programmed wrong so that I had to order another unit. I installed the second unit with the same results. I contacted My Push Cart again and they walked me through the programming of the unit and still had the same result, after pushing the lock button 3x (blue light flashes with each lock button press) nothing happens, no ignition, no start. What can I do next to get this unit working?


Ford smrick2 (190Pts.)


why does the radio come on when i unlock the doors and stays on until i open them?

also the running lights do the exact opposite of what the truck did from factory which is now they go off when you unlock the doors and so the ambient lighting provided to see in the dark when waliking towards your vehicle is gone. (just bought leds for all of that.) but when you lock the doors after you leave they come on and stay on as well as the interior lights. Facotry dims the interior after you lock the doors and then finally go out. Now they come on when you lock the doors and stay on for a while and finally go out. I doubt i have something backwards but any help would be great.


Can bus not progrmming ford edge 2014

I had an issue sunday with this, and i received a reply about hooking up the three wires from the t-harness. that got me alot further! Tonight I hooked up the additional 3 wires from the t-harness and was able to program the unit with the keys. the blue red led flashed 10 times, then the blue led comes on by itself for a second or so then goes off. no more activity. I retried this maybe 5 times. I assumed I had an issue with the Can Bus wires, so I disconnected them verified the colors and remade new connections. same result. Also once it programs (doors lock and unlock and lights flash) when I turn the key off and remove it, the radio and dash lights stay on even after closing door and waiting a while. I assume this is a symtom.


Ford Orlan (210Pts.)


2014 Expedition lock, unlock, driver pin wire color / location.

Hello, I have a Pro-Start remote starter that will be connected to EVO-all using d2d. I will be using guide 3318, connection 4 as per guide. My question is where do i connect the lock , unlock and driver pin wires of EVO-all to the vehicle? The guide shows to connect the wires from evoall to pins 6,8,9 of the connector in the vehicle for lock/unlock/driver pin. However, slots 8 and 9 are empty and slot 6 is for factory alarm arm. As per Autostart wiring guide, lock is at pin 17, unlock at pin4 and driver pin at pin 14. Can you please clarify where to connect the lock/unlock/driver pin wires from evo-all to the vehicle? Also, the guide shows to connect the remote start ignition and evo-all keysense wires to the number 1 pin of the PATS module. The guide labeled it as Keysense. The vehicle wiring guide shows it is Pats Ignition and that the keysense wire of the vehicle is at the ignition harness (blue/gray). Do I go ahead and connect ignition and keysense wire as per evo-all guide? or should i connect to the wire specified in the vehicle wiring guide? Also, if the vehicle does not have factory alarm, do I still connect notes 1,2,3 (in green). How would i wire connector D (red 6 pin harness of evo-all) if there is no factory alarm? Last question, how do i know if the vehicle has 40-bit or 80-bit keys. Evo-all guide only lists 2014 expedition as 80 bit however, other bypass modules (idatalink) lists this vehicle as 40 bit key. Can you please advise? Thank you in advance.


EVO-ALL programming 2014 Ford Focus Euro spec

I am trying to use EVO-ALL with T-Harness as Immobilizer bypass in a 2014 Ford Focus European version with regular key. I followed the  install guide rev.20150427 for programming the module.


In step 8, the ignition turns ON after holding the programming button for a couple of seconds as indicated in the guide but RED and BLUE stay solid, do not flash as expected. On the instrument cluster screen, there is a warning message "Immobilizer Active, Check Handbook". Considering the leds staying solid and the warning message, it is clear that the EVO-ALL failed to program Key-bypass and CAN. I tried to program the CAN separately by release on BLUE, Key1 to IGNITION -->BLUE led goes off and comes flashing indicating successful programming of CAN. Finally, Key1 to OFF ---> No leds. I can also confirm CAN programmed properly by triggering Lock/Unlock from Keyless Entry Module to A2/A3 of EVO-ALL and further from A19 to Vehicle.


Connections: 2 CAN wires connected. Yellow/Black (KeySense) wire from T-harness connected to A1 and A16 (both Keysense). Also, Lt. Blue/Black (RX - pin4 of Immobilizer) and Lt. Blue (TX) from T-harness connected to A10 (RX) and A20 (TX) respectively


For Key-bypass, do I have to go the DCRYPTOR way of programming using the Flashlink Updater? I ask this because I think the Keys in Euro spec vehicle are highly encrypted resulting in failed programming of the module. Will DCRYPTOR solve this issue? Moreover, I came across the Russian site of Fortin and the install guide has ONLY DCRYPTOR method, link to the guide is here. Although it's in Russian, I hope you can get a sense of the content from the pictures 


Ignition output of remote starter connected to KeySense!

In the EVO-ALL THAR-FOR1 rev20150427 guide for Ford Focus 2012-2015 , the Ignition(+) output from remote starter is connected to A1, A16 and Yellow/Black wire of T-Harness, all KeySense(+). Shouldn't the Ignition output be connected to Ignition input of Ignition Switch or to the Ignition wire(s) of the T-Harness D-connector D3/D5?

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