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Toyota G M (16270Pts.)


Fortin evo-all flashes parking lights 3 times and not started

I released the button on red. Pressed the button once. Turned on the ignition. Red blinked 10 times and blue started blinking. Turned off the ignition. Then released it on blue and after turning on the ignition blue started blinking (as expected). Pressed on the remote 3 times (blue reacts). Red turned on and after 10 seconds red blinked 3 times and nothing else.


Toyota G M (16270Pts.)


2016 camry Hybrid

Hello. On 2016 Camry 2 pcs Evo-All I wanted to be programmed and on both after turning on the ignition after 10 seconds the red LED starts blinking. 001A07579416


Toyota G M (16270Pts.)



I installed Evo-All on a 2016 Toyota Esquire (right-hand drive PTS). In the manager, I selected 2017-2018 Tacoma. I connected the CAN wires in the instrument panel connector (blue and white)... I didn't even need to connect the ignition wire. I connected the wires for the parking lights to the steering wheel... (pink and purple).


Lights not coming on on evo one

No power to evo one on a 2016 4Runner. I already check all the wiring and there's power coming from the ignition harness. But when I try to program it there is no lights coming on at all on the evo one.


16 Tundra, Evo Key, no start

Used connection 5, programing 3 in manual. Wires were easy to find, did not use key sense. Believe truck does have a factory alarm (If that matters), it does have a factory keyfob. Programming does what it says it will do. Remote start is a Viper. Everything remote starts fine if I leave the key in the ignition. If I don't, security light blinks and remote start doesnt work. I have the flash link and everything was already updated, and it didn't give me any options to change or adjust anything. Just update. GWR is connected to the Viper. Only the red light comes on the EVO Key if I remote start it. Is this normal? I'm sure im forgetting something.


2016 Toyota Corolla Evo One

I have used the Toy 8 Harness that came with the Evo One,Module (TOY 8 79/xx/1.xx C1, D5 38.2 Progam Lock). I followed all the steps and when I plug the 20 Pin Connector in the Evo Module, the noise sounds and the dash board warning message says, TURN LIGHS OFF and when I try to Press the button 10 times, the RED and BLUE LEDs fade out by the time I get to 6. I can't get Pass Step 3! I reset it a few times and still the same thing! I switch the Pins and try to use it as a TOY 3 Harness and the same Thing! I even Hard Wired the module using the Diagram and still the same thing! I'm thinking this was a bad Module from the beginnig! I have listen to TECH Support ideas and tried them and nothing works! I've made 7 attempts on wire this Evo One, trying different ways and the Module keeps doing the same thing every time. I'm ready to give up! Any idea, why this Warning Light coming on? Do this warning light be the reason why I can't ger pass Step 3?


2016 Toyota Corolla with H key,

After following the diagram and I go through the steps! When I go to plug the 20 Pin connector in the EVO ONE, it makes a noise like the lights are left on and the Dash Board warning say's TURN LIGHTS OFF! When I unplug the 20 Pin connector, the noise goes awayand the dash bord warning for TURN LIGHTS OFF, goes away! I try to program the EVO ONE Module with the noise and TURN LIGHTS OFF, by pressing 10 times, the light stop around the 5th to 6th press and it won't let me get pass Step 3. I reset the Module and did and Master rest and still have the same problem!


2016 Toyota Corolla with H key,

After following the diagram and I go through the steps! When I go to plug the 20 Pin connector in the EVO ONE, it makes a noise like the lights are left on and the Dash Board warning say's TURN LIGHTS OFF! When I unplug the 20 Pin connector, the noise goes awayand the dash bord warning for TURN LIGHTS OFF, goes away! I try to program the EVO ONE Module with the noise and TURN LIGHTS OFF, by pressing 10 times, the light stop around the 5th to 6th press and it won't let me get pass Step 3. I reset the Module and did and Master rest and still have the same problem!


Evo one wont program 2016 corolla OEM Key fob

Hi I connected Ignition Harness, then OBDII and then 30 pin connector. I have OEM fob key. When I am trying to program the Evo-One, till step 4 everything is good, but on Step 5 of programming, it only blinks red led for 3 times and pause again 3 red led. I tried reseting EVo-One but not luck. I do not have TPMS. Any help would be appreaciated.


Evo-One + THAR-ONE-TOY8 - Corolla 2016 - Door Lock Intermitent & Lumières restent allumées.

Bonjour, Je viens d'installer un Evo-One avec T-Harness TOY8. Installation en quelques minutes. C'est fantastique. Par contre, Lorsque le véhicule n'était pas démarré, les doorlocks ne voulaient plus débarrer l'auto avec le Evo-One, j'ai du utiliser le unlock OEM et ensuite, le problème ne semble pas s'être répété. Pas d'alarme d'origine et pas d'alarme sélectionné sur le module. La cliente m'informe que ses lumières ne se sont jamais éteintes arrivée chez elle. (Elles étaient à OFF lors de l'installation et elle les a mises à AUTO. (Les Headlights et les Parkings. Pas informé si intérieur) Elle a due aller à l'intérieur de l'auto et mettre les lumières à OFF pour que le tout s'éteigne. Le fil vert-rouge est-il fonctionnel dans le T-HARNESS TOY8? Merci.


removal of evo one with t harness in 2016 tundra with g key

I would like to remove an evo one from my 2016 Toyota Tundra (G-key) with t harness to put it in my 2018 tundra. My question is, can I remove it safely by just unplugging the unit. what is the safest easiest removal method to return the vehicle back to factory setup (it has a factory installed remote start).


EVO ONE with Sienna Push to Start - D6 Option won't save

I have an EVO ONE with the latest flash update for both the bypass and remote start module. Will be installing in a 2016 Toyota Sienna with the push button start option. The install guide specifies the D6 PTS option, however when selecting that option and trying to save with the flashupdater app, I get the error message "this device does not support that option" and the EVE ONE disconnects. Is that D6 option not required on the '16 Sienna. Thanks.


2016 Rav4 backup camera guidelines disappeared after evo one install

I installed a remote start on a 2016 rav4 yesterday using an EVO-ONE. Customer called today and said when he picked up the vehicle the moving guidelines were gone and only the stationary ones appear on the screen.


2016 Tundra-wired system according to instructions no power.

Wired system. Double checked all connections using voltmeter to make sure they had power/continuity. When I go to begin programming phase there is no lights on Evo One at all. Unit connects and flashes correctly to flash-link manager just fine. I made sure there was power to red 12v and that there was a good ground.

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