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CL6 / Evo-One - Not Communicating?


Reposting because, well, the first thread will never been seen again and the answer missed important points


Please read the whole thing.


Eclipse Cross, 2018, SE

Latest firmware for starter and bypass. Loaded recommended options and confirmed the options specified in the setup PDF for the car were set. Using the MITS2 harness.

3x lock works for remote start works.

Tried various (3?) methods of syncing, all of which seemed to work, however, device still only shows it's own information (battery voltage, GPS, and "connected" icon)

Yes, using the crossover cable. Yes using the right port on the evo-one (blue).  

Tried sending the unlock command/lock command at the last steps of the sync. Door open and door closed. Didn't seem to matter. 

Tried switching the protocol in the app to something else then back to Fortin.

Confirmed the "datalink" protocol is Fortin 2  

Previously, this carlink was used with an evo-all for a different car and it worked great. Now it does not. 



ASCL6 / Evo-One - Eclipse Cross 2018 - No unlock/lock/start/etc

Eclipse Cross, 2018, SE Latest firmware for starter and bypass. Loaded recommended options and confirmed the options specified in the setup PDF for the car were set. Using the MITS2 harness. 3x lock work for remote start works. Can't seem to get the Carlink and Evo-One to communicate. Tried various methods of syncing, all of which seemed to work, however, device still only shows it's own information (battery voltage, GPS, and "connected" icon) Using the crossover cable in the CL6 instructions and confirmed correct port on evo-one. Tried the valet switch sync, the on-off-on sync, the unplug, red/blue sync Tried sendin the unlock command/lock command at the last steps of the sync. Tried switching the protocol in the app to something else then back to Fortin. Confirmed the "datalink" protocol is Fortin 2 (there are no other options other than the FMH) I have found a thread or two describing a problem just like this, but those solutions were mostly about not using the correct crossover, having the learn procedure not working as expected, so they weren't relevant to me, sadly. Previously, this carlink was used with an evo-all for a different car and it worked great. Recently resubbed after a year to use in the Cross and have spent the better part of a week trying to figure this one out. Tried all of the procedures in the programming FAQ as well as the workarounds. The procedures, each different type, all seem to work correctly, but the behavior never changes. Evo-one still unresponsive to the carlink. Really wondering at this point if the ascl6 can do anything without splicing more wire / whether it's a bug / or ? At a loss on this one. At the last step of syncing (turning the car off), the red/blue flash 4 times. Can't seem to find a diagnostic for what this means.

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