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Programming sequence breaks at step 5

I have 2013 Audi A4. Following guide #77151 - EVO-ALL_IG_THR_BI_AUD1-A4-A5-Q5-S4-S5_2015_PTS__A_77151.pdf On page 6, step 5, when I press and release programming button, blue led just turns off, and does not flash rapidly. I tried it a lot of times. After that, there is no way to continue. 1) I connected CANBUS hi/lo wires to the OBD port, I couldn't find wires next to steering column. Could this be a problem? 2) There is a 4-pin socket (blue) and connector (black) on the harness, next to 4-pin black connector that goes into EVO-ALL unit. I tried it both connected and disconnected, same results. Any ideas?


Programming sequence breaks at step 5

I have 2013 Audi A4. Following guide #77151 - EVO-ALL_IG_THR_BI_AUD1-A4-A5-Q5-S4-S5_2015_PTS__A_77151.pdf On page 6, step 5, when I press and release programming button, blue led just turns off, and does not flash rapidly. I tried it a lot of times. After that, there is no way to continue. 1) I connected CANBUS hi/lo wires to the OBD port, I couldn't find wires next to steering column. Could this be a problem? 2) There is a 4-pin socket (blue) and connector (black) on the harness, next to 4-pin black connector that goes into EVO-ALL unit. I tried it both connected and disconnected, same results. Any ideas?


Key Fob and Cluster

2007 A4. The key fob and instrument cluster was not original. So the immo cause the vehicle not start (cranks only). Can anyone recommend which one to purchase to defeat or bypass the immobilizer to get the vehicle to start?

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