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2013 elantra gt

I installed an evo-one on a 2013 Elantra GT (PTS) today. The firmware says that the OEM remote will not operate while the engine is running ... But, it works normally ... It both opens and closes. What's the matter?


Elantra 2007 et EvoOne

Bonjour, petite question par rapport au branchement des doorlocks dans un elantra 2007. Le plan du EvoOne nous fait brancher le disarm avec 2 diodes sur le fil Noir-orange du KeyLock et sur le fil bleu du disarm dans le harnais de la porte.Pour ma part j'ai toujours suivi le plan de wirecolor qui me fait brancher sur le fil Jaune-Vert disarm dans le conecteur dans le kick panel. Est-ce que je dois absolument suivre le plan du evo one ou bien si je branche comme wirecolor comme je l'ai toujours fait et que je n'ai jamsi eu de problèmes?


2020 Hyundai Elantra standard key no remote start

2020 Hyundai Elantra standard key no remote start. using fortin model evo-one Bypass firmware 76.59 Remote start 1.25 firmware Hardware inside 7.0 THAR-ONE-KHY2 harness. There is no pats wire to hook up. CAN high and low hooked up yellow automatic transmission wire cut for Automatic. Used suggested options. Did programming for blue light option 2. The blue light comes on steady. when plug in main harness. Plug in the CAN wire connector and plug in 20 pin connector. Turn ignition on and blue light flashes rapidly. Turn the ignition off blue light goes out. Try to remote start on the facotry remote push the lock fob button 3 times and no remote start. Tried option 20.2 and no luck, based on some search here on the forum. Any advice thank you


elantra 2017 (automatique)

elantra 2017 automatique fonctionait tres bien et tout dun coup ne fonctionne plus l ignition se fait mais le demmareur ne crank plus et 3x flash mode pret a demmarer desactiver embarque


2007 Elantra won't program can

I am installing a Evo one remote start in a 2007 Elantra with T harness no immobilizer. After setting the module to Blue and connecting the A1 and C1 harness and turning the ignition on to start programming step 4 - 5 the blue LED does not flash. I have followed the trouble shooting steps and have verified, Yellow wire A1 is correctly connected to pink ignition wire+, the can bus wires are correctly connected to gry/black can low to yellow (pin14) on the DLC and gry can high to white (pin6) on the DLC. I have verified can voltage high at 2.6 and can voltage low at 2.4, I have tried to balance the signals closer to 2.5 but I am unable to make a significant or stable change from those readings.


2009 hyundai elantra manual transmission no clutch wire diagram

Can someone pls help me find a wirinf diagram for 2009 hyundai elantra GL manual transmission. I can only find the automatic transmission wiring diagram. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance




2009 Hyundai Elantra GL manual transmission Wiring diagram please

Can someone pls help me find a wirinf diagram for 2009 hyundai elantra GL manual transmission. I can only find the automatic transmission wiring diagram. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance


Car not responding to my remote

I have a 2016 Hyundai Elantra 2016 automatic with the Fortin FTX75 kit installed. I bought this car used so I didn’t install the kit myself. Everything was working fine two days ago and now when I try any commands (unlock, lock, start, trunk, etc..) the remote works ( light turns on) but it looks like the car isn’t receiving the signal. I don’t know why this happened.


Elantra 2019 Standard Key takeover won’t work

I have an EVO-ALL installed with an AstroStart remote start. The car is sucessful remote started but the key takeover doesn’t work. I turn the key to ON position and if I touch the break pedal, the engine stop. Is it a program option problem or it could be a wiring problem (ex : pats wire)? The remote starter has been installed by the Hyundai dealer. Thanks


2019 Hyundai Elantra key start

Just want to varify that the diagram is correct for a 2019 elantra key start is that same as a 17-18 as the 2019 is a differnent body style


2013 Hyundai Elantra GT Factory Keyfob won't work when running

I installed a Viper 4115 one button R/S and Evo-All in my daughters 2013 Hyundai Elantra GT and the remote start works great but the doors will not unlock with the factory keyfob when running.


2015 Hyundai Elantra manual tranny loses programming.

Installed evo all into 2015 elantra manual transmission. Worked great. 1 month later vehicle cranks but does not start. Yellow light on bypass not on when remote starter is activated. Tested ignition wires and power is at ignition. Reprogrammed module and it works again. Another month has gone by and again the yellow light does not turn on when tote starter is engaged. It does come on when the manual transmission starter takes over the vehicle before shutdown. Tried the two most current firmwares, one for each time programmed. When the remote starter is engaged the red light comes on but missing the yellow and car continually cranks. Using an autostart remote start unit. Thanks.


When will the 2014 Elantra support come online?

I only see up to the 2013 Elantra on the list so far.

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