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Hyundai Tucson horn wire

Can you please help me on 2015 Hyundai Tucson horn wire location I would like add Evo-one alarm. Thank you very much.


Disable the horn when I unlock the car in the morning after remote starting it?

Every morning when I click unlock after remote starting (I guess anytime unlocking for that matter) the horn honks, and it's driving both myself and my neighbors crazy. Is there a way to disable this on unlock? 2020 Hyundai Elantra, do I need to reprogram this thing? If so I may just cut the wire, but hoping there may be a quick fix to it.


Hi, can you verify starter wire location for 2015 Hyundai azera?

I started installing Evo one on 2015 Hyundai azera, the ignition wires are big 12 gauge wire and the starter is wire is tint, like 20 or 22 gauge and the starter wire from Evo one is big thick wire. Also do you know where the horn wire is located? Do I just turn on alarm function and hookup the horn?


Hi, can you verify starter wire location for 2015 Hyundai azera?

I started installing Evo one on 2015 Hyundai azera, the ignition wires are big 12 gauge wire and the starter is wire is tint, like 20 or 22 gauge and the starter wire from Evo one is big thick wire. Also do you know where the horn wire is located? Do I just turn on alarm function and hookup the horn?


Klaxon après démarrage - Santa Fe 2019

Santa Fe 2019 - clé régulière Après le démarrage de la voiture, que ce soit via l'application evo start 2 ou avec le 3x lock, la voiture émet un son de klaxon, comme quand on appuie 2x sur le bouton pour verrouiller les portes. Est-ce possible de désactiver ce coup de klaxon dérangeant à chaque démarrage de voiture? Merci


2015 Sonata PTS horn wire location

Hooked up an RF kit to evo one but there's no honk when locking/unlocking and panic doesn't sound. Looks like I need to connect the horn wire from module to vehicle's (-) horn trigger, so does anyone know which wire it is for 2015 Hyundai Sonata PTS.


EVO ONE - what is the horn wire for?

My car still honks when I remote start without the horn wire connected. What is the purpose of the horn wire?

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