I installed an EVO-ONE on my 2016 Subaru Impreza (key) using the T-Harness. Everything is working well so far but just learning the system so far.
On the Subaru, to unlock the door on the OEM fob, you hit unlock once for the drivers door and unlock a second time to unlock all doors. On the RF kit with the FTX-64-2W fobs, if I hit unlock once, the drivers door unlocks. If I hit it again, the horn honks twice and unlocks all the doors. I believe Subaru does the 1 unlock driver/2 unlock all, whereas the EVO-ONE thinks that I want to do a confirmation unlock.
Is there a way to disable the confirmation unlock? I don't know if I can flip function 12 to mode 2 so that it thinks I have a siren and will output nothing. But since I am using the T-Harness, I'm a bit worried that if I do that, it may activate or do something to the "Ignition2", whatever that may be, since I'm using the T-Harness.
The other option is to cut the horn wire, but I don't feel like digging under the dash again.