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Genesis G80 support?

Will you guys be adding coverage for a 2017/2018 Genesis G80?


2020 Sierra 1500

Just wondering when the update for the 2020 Sierra will be available ? Is it the same that the 2019 ? It looks the same for the wiring but not sure for the firmware. Thanks


Informational: Interfacing a flashing LED to EVO-ONE

I'm not a Fortin rep but someone might find this useful -- I wanted to interface a flashing LED to an EVO-ONE, and didn't want to use something like a "dummy" flashing 12V LED as this doesn't properly convey the status of the unit (arming/armed/valet) and my antenna doesn't contain it's own LED. I ended up aquiring the following -- 1- RFAXL202 kit, which is a pair of harnesses used to interface DEI anetnnas to the EVO-ONE with an XL-202. 2- A DEI 2v "super-bright" LED (either the red or blue ones. The blue LED is several orders of magnitude brighter than the red at the same 2v, if that's what you want). 3- A 220ohm resistor. The RFAXL202 kit contains a four-pin blue plug with a single orange wire. I de-pinned the orange wire on the Fortin plug and inserted the pin from the DEI LED connected to the blue wire on the DEI LED in its place. I insertered the pin on the DEI LED connected to the red wire into the Fortin plug directly adjascent to the blue DEI wire that replaced the orange wire. I put a 220ohm resistor in series on the red wire on the DEI LED. The resistor is necessary because the EVO-ONE is outputting 5V on the pin used by the red wire and the DEI LED operates at 2V. This new plug will go into the larger of the two blue 4-wire plugs. This will give a functional status LED that mimicks what would be found on an antenna or a conventional car alarm. You can use a 12V, non flashing LED and simply connect the (-) to the orange wire on the blue plug from the RFAXL202, but I think this method of interfacing the LED is cleaner, and I find the appearance of the DEI LED housings to be aesthetically superior to a generic 12V LED when installed into a blank panel, etc. in a vehicle.


What is the correct way to connect wires?

T-Taps, Butt connectors 2 pounds of solder I've seen and heard it all...most of the time resulting in a headache and lost time. So i thought i would break it down and show the 5 easy steps to make a good quality and secure connection in a vehicle.

The 5 Steps are as follows:

1- Strip back the inulation of the wire you wish to connect to.

2- Seperate the braid to create an opening in the wire.

3- Insert the wire that is to be connected into the opening.

4- Close the wire.

5- Finally twist the wire around securing them togehter and finish it off with some electrical tape.


How to trim the extra wires?

Wondering what other people do with the extra unused wires from the harnesses. I've been trimming them different lengths, taping the ends, and then taping them all together. Is there a different, possibly better way people think is better? Thanks

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