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car starter won't start

I just finished installing a evo-all on my 2021 Chevy spark. Programming went good and dcryptor said it was done. But when I plug it back in I get no lights or response when locking my car 3 times. I only get a yellow when turning on the ignition.


evo all programing issue

Using this guide I get stuck on step 9 of the key bypass procedure. The LED sequence where the blue light is supposed to flash rapidly never happens its just goes on. Everything before this happens just like the intruction say.


2021 Spark Wire location

Where do i grab the power/input for A2,A3,A13 wires on my thar-gm1 v2 wiring harness?


Which kit will work on my chevy spark.

Hi I am working on a 2016 Chevy spark LS automatic transmission that does not have automatic locking doors or a key fob just a key. Which kit will work on this perticular vehicle? Thanks so much!


Which T-harness for 2019 Chevrolet Spark standard key

Are both t-harness Thar-gm1 and Thar-gm7 will work with this application? What are the differences?


Why won't the vehicle sense tach on network?

Wired system and programmed bypass without issue. When using the 3x remote start function, vehicle powers on and give no-tach flash code. How do I configure the tach on the Spark?

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