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GMC timmerk (950Pts.)


Door status not outputted for 5-6 seconds after remote shut down

I have a recent EVO-ALL (hardware v6, firmware v70.35) on a 2008 GMC Sierra connected to a third-party remote starter (i.e. *not* in stand-alone mode). It works perfectly except for one bug: once the EVO-ALL initiates a shut-down, it doesn't monitor and/or output the door status untill about 3-4 seconds after the vehicle is shut down. The door status is outputted correctly if engine is still on or if I wait 3-4 seconds after shut down before opening the door. Could you please ask your developers if this could be fixed in a firmware update? Thank you! UPDATE: it sounds like there are relays in the EVO-ALL, and the door status isn't outputted until after the relays "click" off or on after a remote shut down. This click occurs 5-6 seconds after shutdown, so hopefully this will help your developers out.

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