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2016 Escape, remote starts by pushing lock/unlock door switches and park light prob.

Installed EVO-ALL with T-harness 4 on my 2016 Ford Escape. Everything works ok except these 2 issues. 1. I programmed to start with the lock-unlock-lock command using factory fob. It works with the fob but it will also start by pushing interior door locking switches in the same manor. Is this normal? I did connect the white to unlock and white/black to lock through a diode per instructions. I also cut the door pin wire and connected the green/white to the low volt side and green/red to the high volt side per instructions. Not sure if any of this plays a part but it doesn't seem to me it should work this way. 2. I installed the parking light relay per instructions. I thought the relay would allow the park lights to come on while the vehicle is running on remote stater. I does not. The relay trigger is connected to the brown/white wire. I have tested the relay by grounding the trigger wire and it does turn on park lights, just doesn't turn them on during remote start run time. I did turn on parking light control option in the program. Any suggestions appreciated.

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