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Justin Smith2

À rejoins en date due:

Sep. 19, 2023





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Alarm goes off when using app for EVO One with LTE module on 2020 Nissan Armada.

I've mostly successfully installed my EVO One with LTE module on my 2020 Nissan Armada. App works great for locking, unlocking, and remote starting. Factory key fob works as expected. However, if I unlock with the app and open the door without having a key fob with me, the car honks like the factory alarm is going off. Given that the unlock and lock functions are working, I believe the pins added as the guide shows are functioning properly, but for some reason, the alarm is not being disabled when coming from the EVO One. I've tried adjusting option 14.2 to 14.1 per another similar post, but that didn't do anything. We've mostly been living with it as the described trigger doesn't happen often, but any help would be appreciated to get it sorted out.


How to I flash Evo One with RFK441 and Evo Start LTE?

Just purchased an Evo Start LTE all in one kit. I'm installing in a 2008 Cadillac CTS, and ran into trouble when setting it up with FlashLink. Stepping through the steps for an initial flash, I come to "RF Kits" and it asks me to select a RF Kit or a smartphone app. I plan to use both the Start LTE and an RFK441 setup, but the software only allows one selection. What should I select and flash? The instructions for the start say to program the RF Kit first, disconnect, then do the Start LTE, but no mention of what to select in FlashLink. Thanks in advance for your help!

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