(Revised) Updaed s/n to correct number number
Just installed an EVO one this afternoon and after completion I am having troubles with the door locks.
It seems all doors unlock, the car starts, then all doors lock again. But now when I go to get in the car I hit unlock once on My remote and all 4 doors unlock instead of the drivers door only. In Todays World this is a security concern for My Wife and I as this is Her car.
Note; I found You can disconnect the wires for the door locks and the EVO one can actually control the locks thru CAN. I tried leaving the door lock/ unlock wires disconected but the doors will unlock/ car start/ then relock, only problem once the engine is running the remote will no longer unlock the doors at all.
I also tried turning off the unlock doors settings in the EVO and to my surprise this car will start without unlocking the doors as well. But the same issue remains the Fortin keeps unlocking all 4 doors regardless of the B1 option being turned on for drivers door only. I have tried different firmware versions with mixed results.